Wade had gotten both of their bags and headed towards the door with Peter of course, Peter kept messing with his own hands on the way to school. He had heard that Mj was back in school after she had gotten suspended after fighting one of the teachers, in her class, A few weeks ago, Teacher Ms. Walker had told Mj to lift up her trash as Mj was once again messing around in the classroom throwing crumpled papers back and forth to her so called "friends", She told Ms. Walker to fuck off and from there
Hell broke loose
They started pulling hair and scratching each other, it stopped once a student ran out to get one of the policeman standing in front of the office, the officer came to hold back Mj as an administrator grabbed the teacher. Of course Mj lied and told the principal it was the teacher who first attacked her but after looking at both of them, their scratching and bruising, they knew the teacher was only defending herself, The amount of marks she left on Mj were the ones on the shoulders trying to push Mj away from her. Later Mj got suspended for weeks and got sent to court. This Quarter Ms. Walker is going to teach in another school for her own safety with the other kids that were on Mj's side secretly could be planning to get revenge on her for messing with Mj. Mj is well known for fighting and being nasty with people now, but before Peter and Mj were together in freshman year, They both had classes together, After Mj got jealous of Peter making new friends she started making rumors about Peter. Later Peter found out she had lost her cherry with one of the football players. He was heartbroken, Mj on the other hand started bullying him and other kids she could bring down easily as she had more popularity as people didn't want to mess with her. She knew everything and everyone. Except for the day Wade came. Peter knew he had a chance to be friends with Wade since he was new, So he took his chance.
And now?
He loves Wade with his whole heart.Peter had zoomed out as he had been looking at the ground trying to find a solution to hide himself and Wade from Mj
Peter almost ran into a street pole when Wade pulled him back at the last second
"Baby boy are you sure you're alright? You haven't been yourself lately after this morning." Wade said as he cupped Peter's face in his hands. "If anything is bothering you can just tell me babe" Wade looked concerned for Peter, Peter wasn't usually like this, Where was his original cheerful self?"I'm alright, I just.. I- I'm nervous!" Peter said quickly before he started tearing up "Really I'm fine, don't worry about me" Peter grabbed Wade's hands and held them to his chest, He smiled as he hoped Wade wouldn't notice as he was tearing up.
Wade did notice but clearly Peter didn't want to talk about it
Wade sighed "if you say so"
They resumed walkingThey had gotten to school before the bell rang they still had their lockers in the same place as before
"I'll go ahead and put our things in both of our lockers, 11-25-5 right?"
Peter nodded "I'll wait near the office for you so we can head to class together"
Wade nodded and headed to the lockers
Peter saw as Wade had made his way in the crowed of people trying to get through the hallways and into their lockers
Peter sighed he knew Mj would burst out of the office in any second now
He waited
The office door opened and slammed and there stood Mj
Peter knew it was her and just kept looking forward hoping she wouldn't notice him standing there
"Petey is that you~?" Mj said as she made her way to stand in front of Peter smirking.
"Hello Mj." Peter said trying not to stutter on his words
"So heard you got a boyfriend huh? Did that ugly bitch pop your cherry yet?" Mj smirked even more
Peter stood in shock, "H-How did you even know about-"
Suddenly Wade interrupted by coughing changing the attention to him
He stood behind Mj
"What's going on here?"Mj changed her expression to a happy smile "Hello you must be Wade? Right?" Mj held her hand out to shake with Wade's
Instead Wade completely ignored her
"You okay Pete?"
Mj grinned in anger "You must've not heard of me yet huh? Well nice to meet you my name is Mj, if you excuse me I have things to do. Bye Petey~" Mj left, she soon joined in the other kids who surrounded her with questionsThe bell rang
"Who in the hell was that bitch?" Wade said as he looked at Peter in confusion. "S-She's a friend o-of mine.." Peter tried to sound cheerful and smiled at Wade
"Alright then... How about we head to class now?"
Peter noddedIt was fourth period by now and Peter couldn't wait to be close to Wade again
[ fuck fuck fuck how did Mj know about Wade?? I thought everyone that was on her side moved or got suspended for trying to cover her up ] peter thought.
The bell rang and Peter quickly got his things in his bag and headed to Wade's fourth period class door to wait for him. Instead Mj came out laughing with some other girls, Mj noticed Peter and told her other friends to go ahead since she had forgotten something in the classroom, She waited for them to leave and headed towards Peter with a grin on her face. "Waiting for your boyfriend Petey?" Mj laughed "You sure are lucky to have him love you while everyone else hates you, in matter of fact maybe he doesn't love you, maybe he only feels bad for you so that's why he's dating you" Mj pinned Peter to the wall and whispered in his ear "He'll never love you, No one does." Mj left and walked out of the school doors
Peter just stood there already starting to cryWade came out of the classroom "Hey baby boy sorry for taking so long I just had to talk to the teach-" Wade saw as Peter was on the floor legs to his chest crying, Wade hurried up and got down to hug Peter, "What happened Peter?"
Peter didn't say anythingWade had helped Peter get up after he had calmed down a bit, They didn't say anything on their way to their house.
Wade opened the door and let Peter go in first, Wade sighed "I don't know what happened if you don't tell me babe" wade paused ,"if it's about that bitch in the morning I might already know what's going on by now."
Peter looked back at Wade standing on the door mat
"Y-You do?"
"I do, That's why I stayed a bit late in class to ask the teacher about her. She didn't seem normal or even act normal" Wade made his way to hug Peter. "If she's bullying you tell me please I don't want to see anyone hurt you in any way"
Peter looked into Wade's eyes with tears in his eyesAn hour passed as Peter explained what had happened between Mj and himself. About their relationship that had turned upside down, about the rumors she had spread about him, About her being jealous of nothing than him trying to meet new people and make new friends.
Peter let it all out and looked more calmer than he was before
"I just... I didn't want you to worry about me. Just- under the mask I'm nothing but a self conscious weakling that can't even make his own choices most of the time" Peter covered his face with his hands
"Peter, listen, You're not weak. You're stronger than everyone else I know, About Mj I'm going to change my classes to yours. I don't want her being near you and if I'm there she won't be messing with you anymore" Wade hugged Peter "Don't ever lie to me about being fine with something your clearly not fine about, I'm here. Everything is going to be okay for now on"
Peter smiled.Oh god lmao this was a long ass chapter but it was worth it
Sorry for anything misspelled I don't like checking over my words so whoops
Next chapter in progress <3

Teenage years (uncontinued)
ФанфикYes this includes smut please don't read it if you don't like it, Au of spideypool, Peter Parker meets Wade Wilson at his school, Wade being a new student gets greeted by Peter, Peter being a shy and on going guy kept in touch with Wade most of the...