Mr. Dad

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Jimin's POV

My mother and me sat outside drawing tiny pictures into the snow. Smiles practically painted onto our faces.

"Look!" She said as she picked up one of the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. I was stuck in awe it was almost as pretty as mom. I looked into her sparking eyes and smiled.
"Do you want it?" She asked.

Mom was the most kind hearted soul that I know. I smiled and quickly shook my head. She ignored my rejection and placed the flower in my hair.
"My pretty flower" I couldn't resist the smile forming on my lips as I lunged forward giving her a hug. "I lov- " I was interrupted by the slam of a door. The smile quickly leaving my face as I saw the angry man make his way over to us. We stayed in our position, wondering why he was angry.

Recently, father hasn't been home much... and when he is he's never had time for us at all. I couldn't help but worry about mom as I saw the sadness in her eyes as he stormed past us and into the house with a slam of the door. She snapped out of her trance then stood up and went in after him.

I hesitantly entered, not wanting to hear the feud between the two again. I went in my room and took off my coat and mittens. Then unwrapped my scarf sighing in relief of the warmth of the house. I sat at my desk and placed my flower beside my journal and started to draw it in my book of Memories.

I stopped when I was halfway done with the petals, but was too distracted by the distant yelling.

"Don't you care about us still?!"
"Of course I do why would I go out everyday and work hard to feed you two!"
"Well our son doesn't even know you! All he knows is your supposed to be his dad! HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU SOUND LIKE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU?!"

Jimin sat there in silence. His mother wasn't one to yell even if she was upset or stressed. Maybe this was as much as a shock for him as it was for his father. He was waiting for his dad to say something.. but he heard nothing. He slowly made his way to the door and pressed his ear against it.

Suddenly a loud slap echoed through the room. Jimin's eyes widened. He sure hoped it wasn't what he thought it was. He heard heavy footsteps heading his way so he retreated to his room. He shut the door until a crack was formed that was small enough for him to peek through. He saw a tall silhouette that he assumed was his father. He started to hear sobbing as his father made his way to the fridge and grabbed a beer.

While he was in there Jimin got a look at his profile and seen no tears. That was when his eyes widened. He almost ran to his mom. He sat and hugged her tight as she hugged him. He hugged her tightly as a few tears escaped his eyes.

He never thought his father would ever hit his mother, but now that he knew. He knew he despised the man. "I'll protect you mommy..." she held his shirt tightly "G-Go to sleep baby m-mommy is ok. "
He shook his head and held her tighter.
"Jimin go!" She didn't mean to shout but as soon as she realized and was gonna apologize to her precious boy he ran into his room.

The boy threw himself onto the bed and cried himself to sleep.

Well chapter one.. idk how to feel about it since it's my first time doing support please..I'll need it into continue after this trash chapter😔💜

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