Its okay... (Act #5)

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I wake up due to the constant yelling and knocking on the door. I open my eyes feeling something warm- wait, no, someone warm on top of me?

As I look above me, I feel my face heat up seeing Ritchie on top of me holding on my shirt for his dear life, he groaned... However this groan was different. It sounded like a.. a happy groan?

Come to think of it, it wasn't really a groan. It was more of a 'M-mmm...'

I stare at his eyelids and daydream about his beautiful blue eyes.

Do I.. No, he's my Best Friend. I-I can't. B-but.. I mean, a dude can wish, can't he?

. . .


..I want him more than just a 'Best friend' and I know that for su-


"HELLO? RITCHIE? IS MICHAEL IN THERE? HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO?!?!?!?" someone screamed on the outside of Ritchie's dorm.

"J-just a second!!!" I screamed back at the unknown ..and unwanted... Demi-God outside.

I glace back at Ritchie, ..I.. I'll be back, my sweetheart.

I slowly get up, placing Ritchie's adorable, and surprisingly light, limp body gently back on the bed as I kissed his forehead. Don't worry. I smiled and walked to the door as my smile faded away then opened the door.

"Oh! Hi Michael!" The person glanced at my hair, "Woah what happened." he giggled, shoving past me, "W-Wait! Bryan! P-please, just wait a sec-" I tried to block him from coming in, but it was no use.

"What?" Bryan said, "I can't just stay in the doorway that's just -" Bryan paused as he turned around and saw Ritchie sleeping with his shirt slightly up and hair messy while whispering, '..M-Michael, please don't go...' to himself.

Bryan smiled a big bright and sly one as he turned back to me, "I didn't know you two were dating~ ahuhu...."

I turned red as an apple, partly because of what Bryan said, but mostly because I was still thinking of what Ritchie just mumbled to himself in his sleep.

"So why didn't you tell me that there wasn't a rule against people doing stuff like 'This' at camp?" Bryan asked with a small hint of a smirk hidden underneath those innocent eyes he put on a second ago.

"Wh-whaaaaaaat do you mean by 'T-This'?" I asked stupidly.

"You know.. about having... a bit of... 'fun'" he said as he gestured to me and Ritchie's hair, hinting me of what this word 'fun' meant. His fake 'innocent eyes' faded away as I began to stutter.

"P-PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO DO WHATEVER THEY LIKE ASLONG AS IT DOESN'T METTLE WITH YOUR DUTIES OR OTHER DEMI-GOD'S DUTIES A-AND IT DOESN'T CAUSE ANY TROUBLE!" I shouted due to the pressure and heat I was feeling. I pushed Bryan out as I locked the door and secretly listened outside for Bryan. I heard him giggling non-stop as it seemed to slowly fade away in the darkness.


I giggled as Michael pushed me out of his cabin while being flustered.

Well, it's not like I was gonna pay ANY attention whatsoever to that stupid rule if it were real. But since it's not a real rule, I GUESS it might bring some guilt off Jakey~Poo if he ever did that to me...  or Me ever doing that to Jakey... He still seems a bit on edge around me and my beauty.. I suppose it's more likely for me to do that to him instead. Never fear! I'll teach him how if he doesn't. Well, either way... It'll be fun especially the fact that it's with Jakey. (By the way, I ship Jakey X Bryan)

(I'm super sorry if you're not into that sorta stuff, just tell me in the comments!! And in case your not into 'Sinful' stuff, beware. When you see the words "LE' IMAGINATION OF ASH" SKIP. IT.

unless you're like me and will read it anyway :p )


I wiped some sweat from my forehead when I was finally satisfied and sure that Bryan has left to the other side of camp.

I walked over to the bed and lied down next to Ritchie, when I glanced at him, I saw he was wide awake and staring at me with his puffed eyes...

Probably because he was crying when we fell asleep.

I felt my heart ache as- (SINGING ME FROM THE HEARTACHE TO THE PAIN, SEEING THE MESSAGE FROM THE VEINS, SPEAKIN MY LESSON TO THE BRAIN SEEING THE BEAUTY THRoUGH THE.. PAAAAIN YOU MADE ME A, YOU MADE ME A BELIEVER-- lawl. okay, sorry XD I just love that song TTwTT ) -as I start to think about last night, when Ritchie was crying...

"M-Michael?" I hear a weak voice speak to me as it sends butterflies down in my stomach. I stop my thinking as my mind went back into reality. "M-Michael??" He says again, this time actually listening.

"Yes, Swee---------------------------------------------------------------- RITCHIE." I caught myself almost saying 'Sweetheart' out loud.

That was close TTwTT

"Michael." Ritchie says again. His face turned serious, therefore my palms begin to sweat as he said that.

Is he unhappy with me? Did I do something wrong?

"MICHAEL." he says a bit louder than the last one. I give him the kind of look you use when you insure someone that you are listening to them talk.

(Let us call it the 'listening-look', shall we?)

He sighs, but confidently. It looks as if he is about to confess something, "M-Michael, listen, about last night I.." I can hear his voice lose confidence, "I didn't mean... I didn't want to.." He stutters losing even more confidence as of now, it sounded like he was losing all hope and courage. "I-I was scared! I was worried a-and--"

I cut his words off and hugged him, he cried shyly and silently, even if it seemed endless. He cried like a little boy at the back of a police car when the police arrived and arrested the murderer of his parents.

"I-i'm so.. so sorry..." he kept saying over and over again. He crawled on the top of my lap and I hugged him tighter. "I-its okay... It's okay." I whispered.


"I-i'm so sorry I caused so much trouble." he whispered back, hardly audible.


"Y-yes I am.. Look what I've done to you," Ritchie said as he pointed at me, "I-I made you faint. I only caused your life to be worse."

"Wh-what?!" I said, surprised he would say such a thing, even if it was true, "No, actually. You made it better. And it's about to get even more better..." I pulled him closer to me until I could feel his hot breath tickle my face. "W-what are you- MM!"

I pulled him more as our lips touched and wrapped my arms around his waist, he wrapped his arms around my head locking me in. He licked my teeth begging for entrance until I gave up and felt his tongue explore the new found sweetness of my mouth. While doing so, we fell on the bed, making out. My hands started to go limp as Ritchie snuck one of his hands in my-----


"I honestly..."

I think for a second whether I should say it or not but, I decide I should.

"I honestly think that... that it's really cute."

Mitchie (ItsRitchieW X ItsMicoo) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now