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I thought it would be nice to have this kind of chapter <3

- Michael's POV -

The entire day Ritchie has been asleep and hasn't been waking up. Honestly, I'm worried for him. Then again, yesterday we did stay up most of the night doing erm.. hehe something...

~ Flashback in 2nd person ~

*(A little yaoi here, I mean yes, It's a yaoi book. But like, you might not like this ship, sorry, I'm just bored TwT. Oh and CUSS WARNING)*

"I'M A SAVAGE, CLASSY, BOUGIE, RATCHET. YAH" Michael screams as he twerks on the table, with Ritchie admiring his lover. Kayla is making out with Mario in the corner, and Bryan approaches Jakey. Brandeen notices Bryan with Jakey, and his overprotective-bestie side shows up. Even if he's absolutely wasted with Tomb juice. I mean, obviously everybody's high as hell and it'll be awkward as fuck tomorrow, but who cares! You only live once, right?

"Jakeyyyy-" Brandeen wobbles over to Jakey. But, because of his poor life choice to get wasted, he trips on his own feet and falls on top of Bryan.

"W-what are-e YoioUu dOing?" Brandeen slurs his words, trying to look mad. He pushes himself up with his hands on Bryan's face. Bryan shakes that off and Jakey helps him up. Jakey looks up at Brandeen and Bryan protectively pulls Jakey into his chest. He slightly sobers up and manages to get a full sentence out without slurring in the middle of it. "L-Let me s-spend time with my Jakeypoo, y-you horny ass motherf-uaAAhee hee" he glares while wobbling. Brandeen pulls Jakey away from Bryan and on his own chest and whispers into Jakey's ear, then smirks at Bryan.

Brandeen kisses the top of Jakey's head.

Bryan grabs Jakey and showers his small face in small kisses to show that Jakey is only for him.

Jakey is just standing over there in a blushing mess not knowing what to do

~Flashback ends~


Ritchie jumps in front of the smaller boy, causing him to lose balance and crash both of them on the ground.

"I've missed you!" Ritchie shouts. Michael makes a painful groan as his lover just screamed in his ear. 

"Ouch." He simply says.

Michael sits up and Ritchie stays on him, "Hey, Ritchie." Michael smiles.

Ritchie hugs him and Michael hugs him back without thinking. As it seemed natural to them. Ritchie loved Michael's presence and his warmth, he always felt so comfortable and loved whenever he was around him. Even if it was just a hug, he closed his eyes and wished this wouldn't end.

"So did you sleep well?" Michael asks.

Ritchie's eyes of blue flickered open.

His sister

"Do you have a sister?" Ritchie asks Michael. Michael's eyes widen as he stops hugging his lover and looks at him with confusion and shock.

"Where did you hear that from?" He asks.

"Welllllllll.." Ritchie began.

"Well, you see I had a sort of dream where we went to a restaurant and then you were there but if wasn't really you but the fake you I've been seeing a lot lately, and then the waitress was your sister and she gave me a menu that informed me about the fake Michael so I accused him and then we started to fight."

"Uh-huh" Michael chuckles. "Well you've had a hell of a dream. How did you know it was my sister?" 

"Well I-" Ritchie pauses.


 "Well it's because-" 


 crap, i forgot.

"Um.. Well you see..." Ritchie plays with the hem of his shirt.

"Did you forget?" Michael asks nicely.

Ritchie nods his head and looks down.

Michael makes some aww noises and pats his lover's head.

Sometimes I can't really be mad at Ritchie when he acts cute like this. Plus, it was just a dream. It could be a prophetic dream, but it could also not.

"Okay, come on. Get up." Michael tells Ritchie. Ritchie gets off Michael and helps Michael up as well.

"I had a surprise ready for you when you got up. Follow me." Michael holds his hand casually and starts walking.

"W-where are we going?" Ritchie asks softly, looking down at his hand, smiling. 

"Not too far away from here."

- - -

"We're here!" Michael lets go of Ritchie's hand. Ritchie breathes heavily and flops down on the ground.

"What did you mean by 'not too far away'? That was the longest walk I have ever made in my entire life, and it's almost night!" He says as he dramatically plays dead on the ground.

"Oh shush, stop complaining. I spent time on this." Michael, also dramatically, places his hand on his heart as if it's hurting.

"Psh, stop being dramatic.. You don't see me doing that. You stupimffg fuggmmgrr.." Ritchie mumbles as his nose scrunches up from face planting on the ground.

Michael rolls his eyes and helps Ritchie up to see a picnic ready, surrounded by trees with beautiful lanterns hanging on them.

Ritchie pays no mind to all of that and suddenly appears next to the picnic basket. 

"I didn't even hear him walk-" Micheal thinks, a little surprised. 

"I smell glowing bread." Ritchie pulls out a loaf of glowing bread out the basket and smells it. He makes an 'ahh~' noise and admires the texture by stroking it gently. Michael snickers and walks towards his adorable lover.

Ritchie pokes the bread and smiles.

"What?" Michael asks.

"It's so soft, I could just-" Ritchie shoves it down his throat like a child would and Michael reaches for one of the two bottles of water he had packed next to the one big bottle of sake.

Ritchie starts to struggle to swallow and Michael hands him the bottle with a cute little smile plastered on his face.

And the date went on like this, with just laughter and loving moments under the stars.

Ritchie loved Michael. He is his everything, he is his reason to look forward to the next day, he's the apple to his pie, he is the most important person to him. He would give up his own life for him a million times.

And as for Michael, he just fell asleep in his lovers' arms, smiling, drunk, and exhausted by the work he put into this wonderful picnic.

Mitchie (ItsRitchieW X ItsMicoo) ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now