Chapter 1 - How It All Began

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"Ruth, could you please hurry downstairs? You're gonna be so late!" Misses Debbie Percy Delores called for her stubborn daughter but still, the fiesty girl didn't answer.

She would wake up every school morning, exactly 10 minutes before she had no more time left and put on her clothes and brush her teeth. You see, Ruth Francis Delores knew how to handle her time. And she had no intention of putting extra effort into looking good, she didn't have to. She wasn't too model like but she did have a I-don't-give-a-shit-about-how-I-look attitude. And how it suited her.

"Coming mom!" She growled oh so gracefully. And as mentioned before: she put on her clothes, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She didn't even comb through her short brown hair. She 'liked' the messy look. 

It was the last day of her senior year in high school and she was so excited, not because it was her final year and she would soon graduate but because she would see her friends. The friends that she didn't get to see during her finals... because of her parents. They wanted her to concentrate and give all of her attention to her studies and not be distracted by her friends. Luckily they understood.

Stellan and Debbie were the typical overcaring parents but Ruth loved them to pieces. Their only child wasn't allowed to do much even though they wanted her to be independent as soon as possible. They wouldn't let her decide on much either. Ruth quite liked this because everything was always taken care of for her. She was used to it. But she didn't like the fact they wouldn't let her drive by herself. That was the one thing she desperately wanted lately.

The sweet smell of syrup and pancakes infiltrated her nostrils as she jumped off the stairs. She didn't like pancakes but she loves waffles. It's a texture thing. The thought of having to roll up a pancake and put (a phallus shaped) one into her mouth distasted her terribly.

She was pretty feminist like that. Didn't like boys who were too arrogant, too boring, too bossy, too into their looks, too snobby, too clinging, too rude, too selfish or too egocentric. The list goes on but I'll spare that for another time.

"Miss." The butler greeted her with a grin and a nod. (And oh yeah, she's rich. Well, her parents are.) He was sat at the kitchen table, reading the paper as his female colleague was making the pancakes.

The housekeepers and butlers loved the family Delores. They were a kind and wealthy family which meant the workers earned plenty of money. They even had rooms to themselves in the mansion.

"Oh, I'm sorry Ruth, your mom really wanted pancakes. I can make you some waffles if you'd like-"

Ruth kissed the old lady's cheek and smiled. "It's okay, I'm late for school anyway." She scrunched up her nose while she looked at the pancakes, turned around, grabbed an apple instead of a banana (phallus complex, as said before) and headed out the door.

She closed the big white door of the mansion and took a bite of her apple. She stepped out of the rich girl life when she stepped out the door. She became just a normal, every day student that doesn't like school. Walking to the busstop was one of the things she loved to do. She'd enjoy her snack, greet her neighbors who drive their kids to school and look at the enchanting sky. 

The moment she entered the school, she was irritated by the girls squeeling and screeching as they checked out the 'hot' boys in their school. Why did they have to do that every single day? There were no hot boys around in her opinion. She couldn't help but grin at how stupid she thought these girls were. How simple minded and... straight up stupid.

Her attention diverted as she heard the familiar voices of two girls. Her best friends. Ruth mimicked their behavior as she jumped up and down with them, hugging each other in a very girly fashion.

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