Chapter 8

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Kurts pov
Now I have everything I could of ever wanted, I now have Blaine Anderson as my gorgeous boyfriend I got to thank Grease for that. We haven't become official yet to people as we wanted to try thingd out first and so far it is working and we've decided to become official to people after the Duet compition today which I know Blaine and I are going to ACE it. Ever since that incedont with Karofsky he never seemed to bother me again which is pretty amazing. As I walk into the Choir room for Glee practice I was greeted by a warm bear hug and before I could see who it was I already knew. "Hello to you too Blaine,"I laugh.
"Aww I can't help it I am just so excited to...become official,"he whispers. I quickly peck him on the lips before anyone could see "We are going to Ace it today Blaine I just know it! " Blaine chuckles at my enthusiasm "Me too,"he squeezes my hand for courage and we sit down at the back as the Choir room fills in with everyone else.

"Good morning Guys,"Mr Shue strolls into the classroom looking excited "Who's excited for the competition?"We all cheer with response "Now before we start I want to introduce our other Judge my wife Emma,"We all clap as Emma walks into the room with a huge smile We all love Emma she is so comforting and the perfect person to talk to when you're feeling down and I should know. "Hello guys,"she waves at all of us before sitting down next to Will "Is there any notice before we start?"Mr Shue asked,I slowly put my hand up "Mr Shue if I may?"I ask. Mr Shur nods "Go ahead Kurt," I take a deep breath and I walk to the front. "For the last couple of days I've been really broken...Ive been judged for who I am and I thought no one could ever love me but I was wrong...someone came into my life and made my dark clouds go away so I've put together this song...Blaine thank you so much for everything this is for you,"I see everyone glance at Blaine for a second and then they look back at me  as Brad (The piano Guy) starts to play the song Take me Home by Jesse Glyn I take another deep breath and I start to sing:

"Wrapped up, so consumed by all this hurt
If you ask me, don't know where to start
Anger, love, confusion
Roads that go nowhere
I know that somewhere better
'Cause you always take me there

Came to you with a broken faith
Gave me more than a hand to hold
Caught before I hit the ground
Tell me I'm safe, you've got me now

Would you take the wheel
If I lose control?
If I'm lying here
Will you take me home?

Could you take care of a broken soul?
Will you hold me now?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?

You say space will make it better
And time will make it heal
I won't be lost forever
And soon I wouldn't feel
Like I'm haunted, oh, falling

You say space will make it better
And time will make it heal
I won't be lost forever
And soon I wouldn't feel
Like I'm haunted, oh, falling

You say space will make it better
And time will make it heal
I won't be lost forever
And soon I wouldn't feel
Like I'm haunted, oh, falling

Would you take the wheel
If I lose control?
If I'm lying here
Will you take me home?

Could you take care of a broken soul?
Oh, will you hold me now?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home, home?
Oh, will you take me home?
Oh, will you take me home?"

As I finish I realized I had tears streaming dowm my face I never knew that ill cry singing this to everyone.Especially Glee Club and Blaine. Everyone claps as I walk back to my seat and I stay silent as the competition started. "Thank you Kurt,"Mr Shue said "So who wants to go first?" Rachel immediately puts her hand up which makes me roll my eyes of course Rachel will go first. As Rachel and Finn walk up at front we all give an around of applause "Today Finn and I are going to sing Secret love Song by Little Mix,"she tells everyone,Brad starts to play again as Rachel starts to sing.

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