Chapter 18

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Blaine's Pov
I secretly film Kurt singing Blackbird by the Beatles as he drove,but he seemed zoned out as he finished singing I clap and cheer making him jump, "You were Filming me?"he asked laughing a little. I nod "You sang that beautifully,"I tell him turning the camera off "but you seemed out of it,are you okay?"I asked concerd. "I was just remembering something,"he replied "As I sang that is,"
"Was it a good memory?"I asked Curious.
"Yeah it was a beautiful one of Mum and Me singing to Blackbird in the kitchen,"he tells me.
I smile warmingly at Kurt his Mum sounds amazing one of the best Mums ever. "She called me her little Blackbird and told me Kurt don't let anyone treat you different,I think she knew...that I was gay...but the question is Did I do what she asked?"I stay silent for a little bit "I think you did...especially at Prom,"I see him smile a little "I guess I did but other times I wasnt sure like when Karofsky kissed me...I just froze and cried,"I take his hand a little "We all have those moments Kurt...everyone does and you did it to my Dad,"I said as quietly as I can. "Blaine...that was different,"
"How?"I asked.
"You were abused not me,"
"Yes but he told you to leave and never see me again he was rude and homophobic at that dreadful dinner and...he nearly hit you..."Kurt stays silent.
"Let me drive I want it to be a Surprise and I want you to Smile can you do that for me?"I ask. Kurt looks at me for a few seconds "Yes I can,"he quickly kisses me on the cheek before facing forward and pulling over so we could swap places.

I drive up to the hotel and I see Kurt start to smile making me smile "What do you think?"I asked. Kurt nods "It's beautiful,"I park the car and I see Rachel and Finn unpacking their car. Rachel sees us and waves at us smiling widely,I park the car next to Rachel and Finns and we both get out greeted by hugs,Kurt hugs both Rachel and Finn tight beeming up at them and then walks over to me squeezing my hand. "Who's EXCITED!?"Rachel asked clapping her hands together. Kurt chuckles a little "You bet I am,"
"Awesome you are going to have the best one bro,"Finn tells him.

We all walk into the hotel looking with wonder and awe "This is even better than the pictures online,"I whisper. Rachel nods with agreement "I know right," We get registered in and I immediately grab Kurts hand "We'll see you guys later I want to show him our room!"I called to the others. Both Rachel and Finn laugh "That's cool Enjoy yourselves and we'll all meet up later for Dinner,"Finn said. Kurt nods "Sounds like a Plan ," I giggle and I start to run with Kurt down the halls with the room key with my spare hand, down the hallways and up the first set of stairs to the door of our room 0037. "Okay you ready?"I asked. Kurt nods and I open the door and holding hands together we go inside the bedroom.

Kurt lets out a loud gasp "Oh My God Blaine You Idoit,"My eyes widen "Wait you don't like it?"I asked.
Kurt shakes his head "No Blaine I love it I really do but its too much really,"I gently kiss him on the lips "Kurt listen to me...You deserve it and Rachel,Finn and I payed all together and I did it because I love you,"Kurt hugs me tight and I breathe in his scent "I love you too,"Kurt replied.
"I was worried that you'd hate the double bed,"I mutter blushing a little. "Don't be Silly Blaine its fine honestly I love everything but this means one thing..."
"What's that?"I asked.
"This..."Kurt connects his lips to mine and we share a kiss I'm going to say this right now Kurt is the best boyfriend ever and I am going to do everything to make him happy and feel safe,no matter the cost,I am going to take a chance.

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