chapter 22

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Warning this chapter could be triggering

Blaines pov
It's the next day and Kurt and I were doing some shopping in the town. "Did you have a good birthday?" I ask Kurt holding his hand.
"It was the best birthday ever this whole week was amazing this place also," Kurt said with a smile.

Throughout the day Kurt and I went and did so much shopping how could Kurt want all of this? I have no idea but that's what makes Kurt, Kurt and I would never want him to change.

Walking out of a café with hot chocolate in our hands I see Kurt freeze "You okay?" I asked concerned. "Blaine... RUN," Kurt immediately takes my hand and we ran I glance behind me and see the lads from yesterday "crap," I curse in a whisper. Kurt and I ran as fast as we could to get away from the gang chasing us "Why am I such an idiot!?" Kurt panics breathing heavily.
"Kurt you did nothing wrong keep running!" I tell him right now I am terrified and I can tell Kurt is too. We ran down an allyway until we were trapped it was a dead end. "God we're going to die... We're going to die..." Kurt cries he actually had tears streaming down his face.  I cup his face "Kurt listen to me okay we are going to be fine... I promise you," I kiss him gently  on the lips, As we part the group of boys caught up with us.  I could feel Kurt shaking as he grasps my hand tighter then I have ever felt it.

"Here's what's going to happen you two are going to stop spreading your glittery pink fairy dust everywhere and pay us for taking OUR seats," One said as they get closer.
"Why do we have to apologise?" I asked raising my voice slightly "Just Leave Us Alone!"
They get even closer and as they do so I shield Kurt slightly "You aren't touching him," I said sharply.  They all laugh "Want a bet?" One clicks his fingers and three of them grab me and the others hold Kurt down making us let go of each other. "What are you doing?" I ask scared of what's going to happen next. "Don't worry about a thing," A boy whispers deadly
"I'm Not Scared of you, You Cowards!" Kurt puts on a brave face but I can see right through it. The next thing that happened terrified me so much, Kurt was being beaten up at a punch and a kick at a time I stare with horror not being able to speak or move I couldn't save him all I could say was his name and beg "KURT! STOP PLEASE!" The punches keep going and they get more violent as I see Blood all over Kurt's Face "Kurt Look at me, Look at me Kurt!" he doesn't though and I start to panic and I could hear screams... Screams I never heard of before that made it even worse "Oh Kurt,"   I actually start to cry. The Gang suddenly stop and they let go of me and Kurt running off and I ran over to Kurt's side.

"Kurt... Look at me," Kurt breathes slowly and his eyes open ever so slightly "I can't move... I can't move..." I could sense the panic in his voice. I run my fingers through his bloody hair "Ssh you're okay... I got you I'm going to get help," I ever so quickly get out my phone and phoned up the local ambulance as I hang up Kurt's eyes start to close steadily "Kurt don't close your eyes Baby okay you got to stay awake please," I beg.
"I'm going to die aren't I?" he asked in a whisper, right then I burst into tears and shake my head viscously "No... Don't say that you're going to live," Kurt's bloody hand squeezes mine and he looks up to me "Can you sing to me... To make the pain stop?" he asked. I nod as more tears roll down my face I rub my fingers against the back of Kurt's head and I start to sing Adante, Adante ever so gently and quietly.

"Take it easy with me, please
Touch me gently
Like a summer evening breeze
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante
Just let the feeling grow

Make your fingers
Soft and light
Let your body
Be the velvet of the night
Touch my soul
You know how
Andante, Andante
Go slowly with me now

I’m your music
I’m your song
(I am your music
And I am your song)
Play me time and time again
And make me strong
(Play me again
'Cause you’re making me strong)
Make me sing, make me sound
(You make me sing
And you make me...)
Andante, Andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh, please don’t let me down, "

As I finish singing I could hear the ambulance sirens in a distance" Kurt they're here they're here, "I look down and I see that his eyes was closed and his breathing was slowing down" Oh my god... HELP OVER HERE! "The Paramedics, Rachel and Finn rush over," Oh my god Kurt! "Rachel gasped covering her mouth.
" What happened? "Finn asked he looked shooked up and as if he was going to vomit." These guys... They... "I couldn't speak I just kept crying and crying, as the Paramedics take Kurt away from me I place a kiss on his forehead" You're going to be okay Kurt, I promise, "I whisper.

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