Chapter 21

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Kurt's POV
Blaine and I got up pretty early as we had to take a train to get to the theater. Today I was wearing Finns Hoodie,Blaine's promise ring on the chain around my kneck,Some Jeans and Rachel's Boots and I couldn't of been more excited. "Have an amazing time Kurt,You will love it!"Rachel tells me while hugging me (Shes been with Finn last year) I smile and take Blaine's hand as we walk to the car and we travel to the train station.

Throughout the journey we ate cereal bars for breakfast and blasted the soundtrack of Wicked,I could feeling my stomach twist with excitement.

Blaine parks the car and we both get ready to go on the train. "You alright?"Blaine asked as we wait for the train. I nod "I'm More than Alright Blaine!"I beem "Im Soooo excited,"
Blaine pecks me on the cheek "I'm so glad,"

The train...I did not like the journey on the train at all,so basically Blaine and I sat down as normal people would
the seats got full and then these group of lads wanted to take our seats...I honestly felt like Rosa Parks. "Oh look its more of you type,"One laugh. I start to feel sick but I am sticking to my gut and I am willing to take a chance for Blaine...for me. I take Blaine's hand squeezing it ignoring the group of boys.
"Awwe you holding hands now?"Another one asked,I got to say they are quite scary..."Get out of your seats now you freaks,"I close my eyes staying still so does Blaine,"No,"I replied starting to shake I open my eyes and Blaine and I glare at the lads. "What is your problem?"Blaine asked "We're just going on a train like Everyone else!"he snaps.
"You are disgusting that's why,"One replies crossing his arms.
I scoff "Its 21st century Last time I checked We got rights to Go on a bloody train we're not Animals so leave me and my BOYFRIEND alone okay!?"I had lost it.
People start to clap and cheer and I start to blush HARD. Blaine kisses me on the lips smiling making me smile. As we part I see the lads were being kicked off the train and Blaine and I start to cheer "Yay Finally!"we both start to laugh some people.

Putting the train ride to aside the rest of the day was amazing well more than that it was phanomonial. We took so many pictures that day my favorite though had to be the one where Blaine and I were hugging standing outside the theater (We got someone to take a photo)

The most magical part though is sitting down in your seats and the Orchestra starts to play diming the lights to pitch black and the act 1 took place.

By the end of act 1 I was in tears I get emotional at shows and Wicked is one of my favorites ever! Blaine gives me a hug "Awe don't cry,"
I laugh at how stupid I was being "Sorry "I apologize. Blaine kisses my wet cheeks "Don't be silly its normal,Lets get some Ice cream yeah?"
No joke the Ice cream here  is so different than the plastic tubs...It was the best Ice cream I ever had with the creamy goodness and flavor I must not forget the flavor I may of had vanilla but you could taste the greatest creation ever!!!!

We may of took some...weird selfies during the interval we were bored waiting for act 2 okay?and finally the lights go down for Act 2 and I enjoyed it as much as Act 1

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