Chapter 7

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**Avia's POV**
The next morning I found my self cuddled up with Niall on the couch with a duvet on top of us. I sat up like a meerkat and saw everyone else sleeping on the floor where the blankets and pillows were. Today we were going to the beach and it was our first time going outside with the boys, there will be paparazzi EVERYWHERE! And there will be rumours going around but it's worth it.
I lyed back down on the couch where Niall was sleeping. The sun was hitting his face perfectly and from my angle he looked like an angel. After a few minutes his eye started to flicker.
"Hey, are you awake?" I whispered.
"Oh, no I just have my eyes open, I'm actually sound asleep" he said sarcastically as I flicked his head playfully.
"Hey do you have Twitter?" He asked.
"Uhhh... Yea..." I said awkwardly.
"What is it I'll follow you" he happily said.
"It's @Avia_Walker" I said groggily.
And he immediately went on his phone and followed me and my Twitter followers rocketed up in seconds.
"What's the other girls names?" He asked scrolling through his news feed.
"Prez's one is @Prez_ident and Ali's is @Ali_bear" We probably should get up," I said as I walked over to the kitchen.
"What are you making?" He asked.
"BACON!!" I yelled making everyone get up.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Prez yelled covering her head with the blanket.
"NO BACON FOR YOU!" I yelled poking my tongue out.
"SCREW YOU!" Prez said giving up.
I starting cooking the bacon and eggs while everyone cleared the living room up.
"READY!" I yelled through the house as everyone scurried their way to table.
"YUMMMM!!" Louis said dragging out the mmmmm.
"These are really good!" Harry complimented with a mouth full of bacon.
"I'm so glad my future wife can cook," Niall smirked.
"Thanks guys!" I said as I punched Niall hard on his arm.
"The only reason why I'm Avia's friend is because she cooks good food," Prez smirked.
"Fuck you!" I cursed playfully.
After we all finished we cleared up the table.
"So guys when are we going to the beach?" Ali asked.
"In a hour, you've got plenty of time," Louis said casually.
"ONE HOUR! ONE HOUR IS NOT ENOUGH! Prez, Avia upstairs NOW!" Ali yelled worriedly.
"You sound so dominant," I laughed.
When we got upstairs Ali pulled out random clothes and gave them to us.
I wore shorts and a baggy T-shirt with my aviators and floppy hat. My outfit was very simple because I'm not going to swim as I wasn't a very good swimmer. But as for Prez and Ali they went crazy with their swimsuits. Prez was forced to wear a bikini by Ali. They also wore cute over tops. When we came down stairs the guys were already changed into swimming shorts.
"Ready to go?" I said grabbing my book.
"Why are you getting that!? And where is your swimsuit?" Niall asked looking at me weirdly.
"No reason," I smiled. "Let's GO NOW!!" I yelled spontaneously while pointing at the door.
While we were in the car Harry and Ali were sat together they honestly act like they're dating or something, something is DEFINITELY going on, same with Prez but she was kicking and punching Louis. As for me I sat next to Niall awkwardly.
"Why aren't you in your swim suit!" Niall whined.
"Ughhh!!!" He growled.
"Haha why so mad?" I laughed.
"Because...." He mocked.
"WE'RE HERE!!!" Prez yelled, getting out of the car and immediately sprinting towards the ocean.
As we walked to the sand I put the Umbrella up and relaxed myself with a good book while everyone went for a swim.
" AVIA!! Come in, it's soo fun!!" Prez yelled.
"NO THANKS!" I shouted back.
**Nialls POV**
It was really fun in the water but I felt left out because Avia wasn't in the water with me so I swam to shore and approached Avia.
"Can you like get in the water," I said annoyed.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
"Bitch please," she said with attitude.
"TICKLE TORTURE!!" I yelled as I started to tickle her.
"STOOOOOPPP!!!... NOO" she squealed in between giggles.
**Avia's POV**
I bursted in to hits of laughter as Niall tickled me, I'm a VERY ticklish person. After the constant tickling I managed to escape.
"HEY GET BACK HERE!" Niall shouted laughing.
I ran faster then I could because Niall was chasing me like crazy.
"You'll never catch me alive!" I shouted back to him. Just as I shouted out to him I bumped into a tall, muscular figure. I looked up to see that it wasn't Niall.
"I'm so sorry," I said sheepishly.
"It's fine" he said. "See you around," he winked as I blushed slightly.
"Who was that?" Niall asked with curiosity.
"Noooo idea," I said. "Oh and Niall why are there people taking pictures of us?"
"Ugh paparazzi," he groaned.
"Are they gonna think we're dating?" I asked worriedly.
"Probs," he shrugged. "Let's go back now!"
"Ok" I shrugged.
"Hey I'm gonna go to the boys brb" he said.
I sat there looking at the ocean until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Avia!!! let's go swimming!!!!" Ali whined.
"I'd love to not and anyways I don't have a swim suit," I smirked proudly but she tugged my arm dragging me to the change rooms.
"Do I have to wear this?? I'm not even gonna swim Ali!!" I whined.
"YESSS!! YOU HAVE TO!!!" Ali demanded.
I walked out of the cubicle wearing a cute floral print bikini with a golden buckle in the middle.
"You look so HOT!" Ali said excitedly." Niall's TOTALLY gonna fall for you"
"Ali!! We're not dating!" I blushed.
"Yea yea whatevs" she smirked.
We walked out of the changing rooms and walked towards the beach. As soon as we got to the beach where everyone else was playing, Niall's eyes immediately met mine.
"Finally decided to show up?" He smirked.
"I was forced to ok" I rolled my eyes. "Let's go grab a drink im thirsty"
"What drink you want?" I asked.
"I'll have a beer," he said. "And I'm gonna pay so don't even think about" he warned.
"Pfft I already payed dumb ass" I laughed.
"So now that you know more about me, I'll ask again who's your favourite one direction member."
"Hmmmmm........Zayn!" I smirked.
"I'll ask again who's your favourite member?"
"Since your so desperate my favourite member is the boy named Niall,"
"I knew you'd come around," he winked.
While me and Niall were having our random conversation, Chelsea came out of NO WHERE! Like whoth is happenin? Just in case you forgot Chelsea is one of the sluts at school.
"Oh hi Chelsea" I smiled being polite.
"Fuck off bitch. Come with me Niall I'm sure you can make my hole bigger," she winked.
"Haha it won't open one bit,"I said trying to hold back my laughter.
"Fuck off loser! Niall you don't wanna be hanging out with her." She said tugging on his arm.
"Sorry love I won't be going anywhere " he laughed so she rolled her eyes and walked away' what a bitch.
"That was hilarious!" I laughed.
"YUP!" He agreed. "Let's go swimming!" He whined.
"Noooo I don't want to!" I whined.
"Because I don't know how to swim!" I blurted.
"Hahahahah don't worry babe I'll take care of that, climb on my back,"
" are you sure?" I asked.
"I'll be fine get on!"
I got on his back and walked over to beach. He walked in to the water with me on his back and we went deeper and deeper ( I know what your thinking ;) dirty little mind 😂)
"Is this deep enough?" He smirked.
"Yeeesss" I stuttered clearly scared, I haven't been in the water for a LONG time.
"Your lucky your not alone Zayn hates swimming to," He laughed.
"Whatever!" I said looking at the water shivering.
After a while in the water I began to feel more comfortable and me and Niall had ALOT of fun until... CHELSEA CAME!!
"NIALL!! Carry me too!! LOOK IM DROWNING!" Chelsea faked.
"Yea probably with all the plastic pulling you down" I smirked as Niall laughed. "Chelsea why are you even trying Nialls CLEARLY not into you," I said in the NICEST way possible.
"Yea sorry love but you can definitely get a picture with me" Niall smiled.
"I guess your right, I'm really sorry Avia for getting in the way of you love-birds." Chelsea said apologetically.
"Haha no problem AND me and Niall are NOT dating fyi," I blushed at her comment.
"Yea sure whatever," she rolled her eyes playfully. Seriously first Ali and now CHELSEA?!?!
Chelsea and Niall took a picture together and it didn't take long until another group of girls came running towards us. I was left in the sand making fail sand castles and collecting cool shells, I was only doing this because Prez and Louis went somewhere and Ali and Harry are probably sucking each others faces of in a corner.
"Hey there babe" a masculine voice spoke from behind.
I turn around to see a creepy 30 year old man approaching me. I push myself of the soft, hot sand and start to walk away from that guy. Just as i stood up and started walking away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to his body. I tried pulling away from his grip but he wouldnt seem to budge.
"Please let go of me" I said in a calm voice. But he wouldn't let go.
"No babe," he whispered into my ears.
I looked up and I locked my eyes with Niall. The creepy guys began to bring his hand up my thighs.
"You really asked for it," I smirked.
"Yes bab-" before he could say anything I stomped my foot on his foot and that made him let go of me, while I still had the chance I kneed him straight in the balls making him fall onto the ground groaning in pain.
"I was about to help you!" An Irish man spoke. I turned around to see ofcourse Niall.
"Too late, I subdued him already," I said proudly.
"No one should not mess with you," he said shocked.
"Pshh Prez taught me and Ali everything also my friend who did taekwando, so I'm pretty much set for any challenges a head of me" I said confidently.
"Haha lets go the others are waiting for us at the cafe," he laughed ruffling my hair up.
"But seriously I can do anything now!" I said like a child who just learnt how to ride a bike or something.
"Whatever!" He laughed as pushed him to the side with my shoulder.
I'm really sorry if this isn't edited because I couldn't be bothered to update so sorry! Anyways shot for the reads!
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