* Fourth*

713 35 1

Author's POV
Everyone were silent.
Wahid sitting on the chair with Kalia beside him standing and on the other side was Haseena and Sonia sitting with a cafeteria table in between.
Y'all thought it right.
She was caught.
Or that's what she wanted them to believe.
Wahid: cat caught your tongue?
Haseena: why are you here?
Wahid: You don't answer a question with another question.
Haseena got somehow nervous and looked at Sonia to give her the 'don't say anything' look.
Wahid: I'm here, and when are you gonna answer me
Haseena: I don't think that answering you is that important.
Wahid let a force chuckle out and then gave Haseena a cold look.
Wahid: you better have a proper explanation for disappearing in the morning and not informing anyone.
Haseena: I informed Sonia.
Sonia gave Haseena a strange look for dragging her in their argument.
Wahid: Is that so?
The girls both nodded.
Wahid: Kalia why don't you help Sonia pack her stuff from the hostel.
Sonia and a Haseena: WHAT!?
Wahid: yes Haseena, Sonia will be staying with us from now on.
Sonia: but Wah-Nawab sir don't you trust me?
Wahid:did I mention anything regarding you and trust?* he said with a smirk*
Sonia: * looking down* n- no..
Haseena felt bad that her best friend had to go through this because of her.
Wahid: you still didn't answer me Haseena.
Haseena: as I said I don't think that answering you is that important.
Wahid didn't like this and Haseena knew it.
She knew that it would angry him, but she also knew that he can't take it out on her.
Wahid: Haseena, don't test my patience.
Haseena: oh really what are you gonna do?
Wahid smirked.
Wahid: You never know.
Haseena got nervous all of a sudden, not because she's scared but because when last time he said that things didn't end well.

Hey guys,
Hope y'all are doing fine.
Sorry for the short update
I'll try to write long as soon as possible.
Vote and comment;)

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