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Author's POV
Haseena was getting uncomfortable with the talk.
She was having her " enough".
Haseena: Let's just stop, and go.. I'm tired..
Wahid: as you wish, Kalia take her and Sonia to the hawili.
Kalia: sure, boss.
Sonia: what the hell is that man thinking?! I bet he's up to something, bring us from the hostel to here, it's strange.
Haseena: He sure is up to something, but what could it be..?
Sonia: Where is he now anyway?
Haseena: I don't know.
Sonia: anyhow...any news of your mother?
Haseena: no, not yet..
Sonia: don't worry, everything's gonna be fine.
Haseena: I hope so.

Haseena was going towards the bakery after college, and she saw some fancy cars outside the bakery and not just that, but a lot of people waiting outside with their cameras as well.
Haseena: did a celebrity came here? * she said it to herself as she enter the bakery*
Haseena: ma what's happen-
she stoped her mid-sentence as she saw a handsome man probably in his mid-20s there sitting In front of her mother.
Neenah: uh- Haseena..what are you doing here..?
??: So, she's your daughter, pretty I would say.
Haseena felt her cheeks heat up.
Haseena: thanks, but who are you?
??: you don't know me? That's sad. Ms. Neenah you should have told me that she's your daughter.
Neenah: huh? I don't get it?
??: anyhow, we'll talk soon afterwards Ms. Neenah at my party tomorrow evening, and I hope to see her as well.
Neenah: y-yes.
Haseena was confused, and curious to who he might be.
Next day
Haseena came to the bakery to ask her ma about the man, and why he was here.
Haseena: ma who was that man..from yesterday?
Neenah: Haseena dear, I'll explain everything later, for now let's get ready for tonight's party.
Haseena: What kind of par-
Neenah: don't ask too much and go get ready.
Haseena: ok ma.
As Haseena entered the party hall, she was stunned.
Haseena: woah! It's so pretty!
??: happy to hear that.
Haseena got startled by the sudden answer.
Haseena: You?!
??: I got a name.
Haseena: that I don't know.
??: really?
Haseena nodded her head.
??: well, I'm Wahid.
He said reaching out his hand for Haseena to shake.
Haseena gladly accepted it.
Haseena: nice to meet you, Wahid.
Wahid: where's your mother?
Haseena: somewhere here I guess.
Wahid nodded his head and excused himself.
Haseena: I wonder what he wants from my ma.*she talked to herself*
Haseena was trying to find her ma that suddenly a voice in the speaker on the stage caught her attention.
Speaker: as you all my know that today we're here to celebrate Wahid's success as the new Nawab of Hyderabad.
Haseena: he's the new Nawab!?
The speaker continued
Speaker: but there's also one more special reason behind this marvelous occasion, which our new Nawab-ji will announce.
Wahid went up the stage.
Wahid: well, this happened all of a sudden, to which I don't know how to announce, but I guess I hav to come out clean. I'm getting engaged in 2 days.
Everyone in the hall started whispering.
Haseena was curious as well, and her mother was still missing.
Wahid: y'all must be thinking, who is that lucky girl right?
Everyone: YESS!
Wahid:Her name is Haseena Ferouz.
Haseena: WHAT!?
Everyone's head turned towards her.

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