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Luke thought combat training was just a more intense way of saying gym class. Do a couple of push-ups here, run some laps there, maybe wrestle someone a couple of times and bingo, class is done.

But nothing is that simple at SGA.

First everyone split up into their houses according to years. A Tempest student from each house usually oversaw the training. The training took place inside an indoor arena about the size of a four-story mall. The top three levels had students training, while the bottom level was for combat simulation.

At least once a week, every student had to partake in combat simulation. During combat simulation, students are usually pitted either against persons within their own house or against different houses depending on the week as it alternates. This involved a full out battle with weapons, armor, and powers. The goal was to subdue your enemy without killing them. That being said, there have been some 'mistakes' in the past.

Luckily, they have House Raphael students who are really good at healing people. And if by chance that fails, House Raguel students can simply bury them in the Earth.

Throughout the rest of the week when they don't stand a chance of dying in the simulation, they are taught how to wield weapons: from guns and swords, to bows and drones. They are also taught to master their abilities, as unique as they may be.

Oh, and all newbies are forced to fight in combat simulation the first combat training class they attend. Once Luke was told all of this by Sirius, Sirius patted him on the back. "Good luck newbie."

"I just took down a Yak yesterday so let's do this." Luke tried to look confident, although he knew he wasn't. If he had to go up against someone like Sirius, he might get his ass kicked. "Who will I be up against?"

"That's the problem. See we only have three people in our house. Usually a Tempest student from a different house trains with us, but me and Alpha usually battle against each other."

Luke thought that was just an outmatched battle until he remembered that George's fist passed through Alpha's body in the mess hall yesterday. If he could do that constantly, it'd make Alpha, no matter how childish he is, a difficult opponent to defeat.

An announcement came onto the loudspeaker that boomed across the arena. "House Raguel, please report to the battlefield simulation floor. All other houses commence combat and survival training."

Luke breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn't going first. Maybe he can learn a thing or two from the Tempest student who was going to be teaching him.

"Come one," Sirius said. "We have to get off the first floor quickly before we get stampeded by the Raguel students near the stairs."

Luke followed Sirius up the stairs and against traffic as students in various colored shirts rushed down to the training field. They went up to the fourth floor and by the time they had gotten up there, people on the ground floor were already stabbing at one another.

"They didn't even give us time to find our seats," Luke joked.

"They have a quick turnaround time since we only have about an hour and a half of practice, although sometimes it may go over."

Luke looked down below and saw at least five or six battles happening simultaneously below. Students in different years fought against each other. Here, your year did not matter. You fought on your skill level, and there were some doves who could square off against Tempest students, although that was extremely rare.

In the middle of the open space floors were giant monitors that showcased the battles to other students who were training or taking a break from training. However, since the session had just started, most students weren't paying any attention.

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