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You can probably guess what Luke did with his day off after a long journey to the Garden of Eden, fighting Iumenti and demons along the way, only to return home and find more Iumenti and demons to fight.

That's right, he slept; and it was a blissful sleep too. He wasn't plagued by prophecy related dreams or visions of his past.

Well except for one.

This victory amongst his friends, it was great and all, but Luke was missing one person who could deflate the remaining tensions from his body.

He was missing his girlfriend.

What would she say if she found out how far he had come? When he last saw her in D.C. she knew he could summon a flame. The most powerful thing she knew he could do was cast the Undying Sear.

Now he was able to manipulate elements into weapons and creatures and use them to take down foes many times his size. He was entrusted with a new ability that could push out demons from people, and drill to the source of those who dreamscape—that alone made him a major weapon in the times to come.

Because it will be he who will keep either good or evil in check with such a power. And deep down, Luke knew this, and it scared him. What if he chose the wrong side? One person's evil is always another person's good and vice versa.

After waking up at 1PM he went to a brunch at the mess hall trying to avoid those "what if" thoughts. The school was still under construction, but most of the students took in the free time by lounging around and playing a match of football, cards, and even a snowball fight or two because up in this corner of the world, snow was usually around.

And if not, then Anael students could produce some with ease. They were the best guys to have on a snow fighting team.

However, some things didn't change. The girls were still kept segregated from the boys. No matter how much petitioning they did, no matter how well they fought together, the Deans said it was an outstanding order from the Archbishop of SGA. Many demanded to see this Archbishop Mosaé, but the Deans said he was out on assignment and didn't care to elaborate further. Dean Ammon suggested they petition him when he returns.

Dean Kay was rather quiet when it came to the matter. She allowed Dean Ammon to do most of the talking without tossing any sly remarks, which seemed uncanny of her.

Thus, the boys were back to hanging out with boys and girls with girls. Many of the guys bragged about how they could've won over a Mariah, gotten a little something from Janet, or made Vanessa his bae. Many of them probably didn't even talk to a girl while they were being possessed by demons, but Luke couldn't blame them for dreaming.

While sitting in on a bench reading a book series about Greek and Roman gods, an unexpected face popped up from behind his book. Messy hair, glasses and his classic hoodie. On R&R days, students were allowed to dress out of colors and uniform, and Luke recognized his old CUA roommate.

"Kevin," Luke dropped his book and made eye contact with him.

"Luke," Kevin said as he sat next to Luke who closed his book and put it down. Kevin picked up the book and looked at the back cover. He fanned through the pages. "Seems almost like our setup here, instead with cabins instead of houses."

Luke knew Kevin wasn't here to talk about his favorite book series. Kevin usually appeared to talk business. "What do you want?" Luke didn't mean for it to sound so curt, but then again, he was about to read a battle between a god and a child and Kevin was ruining it.

"I'll only be a bit and then you can return to your outdated mythological world. I would've thought that the reality you're in is enough of a fantasy to excite you."

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