Are you two a Couple?~

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Author POV

They walked in the cafe which was ' LILY'S CAFE'. The door made a small jingle. They found a table for two and went there , sat down and had small talks while they waited for the waiter.

Waiter:" Hello welcome to Lily's cafe what would you like today " The waiter said to them which caught there attention

Jeongguk:" Oh hello I would like some pancakes,bacon and eggs with banana milk pls " He said as he watched the waiter wrote what he wanted down

Waiter:" And what you like sir " The waiter looked at a Tae

Taehyung:" Oh I would like waffles,bacon with a muffin and a vanilla milkshake"

Waiter:" Ok your food well be here in just a minute " The waiter said to both gguk and Tae

They both nodded they continued with there conversations. They were smiling, laughing like a cute couple but are they a couple tho?? .

They were in there own little world but they were interrupted buy a waiter with their food

Waiter:" Well ok here is your pancakes, bacon, eggs and for you sir your banana for you sir and this your waffles, bacon, egges and vanilla milkshake Enjoy your food.

Both Jeongguk and Taehyung eyes widen especially Taehyung glue was excited to eat he was so hungry.

Taehyung:" Ooo I'm so hungry " He said as he was ready to eat

Jeongguk:" We're you really that hungry " He said as he watch Tae eyes widen for food

Tae ignored him and grabbed his fork to eat..

They both ate together feeding each other here & there , they laugh, smiled, joked around stealing each other food.

They were just gonna get breakfast together but damn it turned in to almost every body in the cafe looking at them in a sweet smile admiring the two boys in there world. When a middle age women came up to them and ask them...

Women:" I'm sorry to bother you guys but I just wanna ask are you two a couple cause you guys are so cute " She ask them

Taehyung and Jeongguk were shocked at the question not knowing what to say
They both thought.

'At this situation what are we '

Jeongguk:" Well let just say were something like that " He said with a cute smile

Women:"Oh well I just wanted to say you guys are the cutest couple I seen " She said to them

Taehyung:" Thank you ma'am " Tae said while he bowed his head

Women:" Well I'm sorry for bothering you guys I will go now " She said as she walked away waving

Taehyung:" People really think we're a couple "

Jeongguk:" I mean duh were cute"

Taehyung:" Well I mean there not lying "
Jeongguk:" Well s- " He was interrupted by his phone ring

Jeongguk POV

I looked at the id and it was my mom, I picked it up.

"Hey mom "

Mom:" Hey baby I was asking you when are coming cause it's 9:07 "

Oh shoot I totally forgot

" Oh I'm coming mom in like about 20 mins "

Mom:" Well ok see there my baby "

" Bye mommy "

I ended the phone

Taehyung:" Aww you call your mommy your cute " He said teasing me

" Shut up and we have to go my mom's waiting for me " I rolled my eyes

Taehyung:" Oh ok let's go baby " He said outloud which caught people attention, they all smiled at me and Tae.

Taehyung was by now waiting for me at my car while I follow behind

Taehyung POV

Jeongguk was driving me to the university and when we got there was students there outside talking I can spot  are group of friends

Not until we got out the car eyes we're on us

************************************welp jhope you enjoy this update 💜💕

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