Chapter 5

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I walked back over to my table and set the tray down across from Stan.

I walked around and stood by Kyle and he cradled Leo in his arms, snuggling his to his chest.

"Is his highness awake now?" I asked jokingly, bending over and trying to see Leo's face. He looked at me with slightly squinted eyes and nodded.

"Okay, come'ere." I said, reaching out and getting ready to take him from Kyle ,when the red head held him tighter. "who said I was giving him back?" He asked with a raised brow. "Don't even try pulling that bullshit with me. You can hand him over or I can get your boyfriend to make you let go of him." I said threateningly.

"My boyfriend? Who the fuck-?" I stood up straight and looked to Stan. "STTTTAAAANNNNNN," I whined. ", Take control of your woman!"

"Wha- STAN'S NOT MY-" "Then give me back my baby." I said.
Kyle rolled his eyes. "Fine, take him." He said.

I reached down and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Come to Daddy." I said as I hoisted him up and wrapped an arm under him. He groaned quietly as he rested his head on my shoulder and gripped onto my parka.

I smiled as I carried him over to the seat by our tray. "Daddy, huh? Jesus Christ , Kinny. I though you'd be the one who wasn't a fucking fag." Cartman said, eating his family sized bag of Funions.

I sat down and let Leo slump against me and softly snore away. "In all honesty, Stan's the Daddy." I said, opening Leo's salad and squirting in the ranch.

"What? Why?" Stan asked. I closed the plastic box the salad was in and began to shake it. "Simple." I said. I stopped shaking and pointed to Kyle. " Mommy," then to Stan. ",Daddy."

Kyle picked up his apple and lightly tossed it at me, using it as a threat but not trying to actually hurt me.

Good news, Kyle has a terrible throwing arm when it comes to baseball or one handed, so it missed me.

Bad news, it hit Leo right in the back of the head.

Leo jumped as the apple bounced off the floor. "Owie!" He yelped, hand flying to the back of his head and rubbing the spot that was hit.

"HAHAHAHA!! THE IDIOT GOT HURT FROM A STUPID APPLE!!" Cartman laughed, nearly falling out of his seat.  Why was that so funny? It was just an apple.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him as I slipped my fingers under Leo's hands. I let the pads of my fingers gently massage the skin on his head, my fingers brushing through his short hair.

I brought my lips close to his ear as my eyes scanned the strands in his hair."You okay, Buttercup?" I asked softly, putting my other hand on his cheek and turning his face towards me.

His cheeks were flushed pink and his blue eyes looked up at me. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright Ken." He said, "just didn't expect to wake up by an apple to the head."

I frowned and nuzzled my nose into his cheek. "My poor bunny." I coed, kissing his jaw. "Aww, Jesus Kinny! C'mon I'm tryin' to eat ma food!" Cartman shouted, slamming his hand on he table.

I sighed and looked to him, letting go of Leo's face. "Now you know what it's like for us to eat when your fat ass is mushing all your food into a paste." I said, giving him a bored look.

"I told you, it was for effecienc-ah!" He whined, throwing a bit of a tantrum. I rolled my eyes." Cartman, your eight-fucking-teen. Start acting your age." I said, opening Leo's plastic container.

" That's like asking a addict to go sober." Stan said, holding his sandwich. "The day Cartman goes straight is the day I stop drinking."

Kyle looked over at Stan, watching him bite into his sandwich. " You told me you stopped...", Stan tensed slightly, looking over at the ginger boy with his teeth sunken into his sandwich. He retracted his teeth, pulling his mouth away. "W-Well, I did!... Until a week ago..."

“Oh god, keep your gay ass relationshp out of this! Let the man drink if he wants to! Jesus Kahl…” Cartman complained shoveling a handful of crushed oreo’s into his mouth. Kyle huffed stabbing his mashed potatoes with a fork. 

Kenny perked up as he felt a hand grip his shoulder.He tilted his head to the isde and looked up to the tall, tan teenager with a blue challo. Kenny smirked and raised a brow. “Sup’ Fucker?” The poor teen asked, his arms loosely wrapping back around Leo’s stomach.

“What the fuck did you send me last night?” Craig asked, his nasely voice sounding as stoic as ever. “I don’t know, Dick weed, what did I send you last night?” Kenny asked, a slight confused glint in his eye. Craig scoffed pulling out his phone. “Hold on.” 

Craig’s fingers made faster work of his lock screen. Punching his , unnessesary, 12 digit code and pulling up the message board Kenny had texted to him last night. “ This.” He put the phone in front of the other, more showing it to Butters than to Kenny himself.

” He put the phone in front of the other, more showing it to Butters than to Kenny himself

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Leo giggled softly, taking hold of Craig’s phone as he let it go. “ Gee Kenny! All this time I thought you were just happy to see me whenever we hugged! Turns out it’s just a raccoon in your pants!” Butter’s joked, face flushing as he giggled at his sense of humor. Kenny’s smirk widened and his brows raised, every now ‘n then Butter’s would out right suprise Kenny with a dirty joke or sexual inuendo that was completly out of character for him.

Kenny chuckled deeply as he wrapped his arms tighter around Butters, resting his chin on his shouder. “ Oh~ So you DO feel what you do to me. And you just let me go the rest of the day without even offering your assistance?” Kenny asked, his nose pressing agaisnt Butter’s cheek and his lips barley grazing the skin on his neck.  

"Your such an evil little bunny~" Kenny purred. Butter's flushed, giggling softly as Kenny nuzzled him. The two blonde's giggled along with each other, completely ignoring their present company.



"Oh shut up, Fatass!"


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