Chapter 1

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Hey, this is my first story, cut me some slack, if you like it please let me know, I'll try and post a new chapter every week, perhaps a saturday. Thank you!



It was cloudy outside, the rain fell down onto the pavement with a soft, rhythmatic sound that calmed the wolfess as she walked. Her fur held the rain water, soaking her through and through. It had been a long time since it has rained. Walking down the sidewalks she stepped over debris and around shards of glass. 

It was the year 2087 and she was the last survivor of this town. Years before this day, there was a war. This war had lasted ten years and has killed 80% of the worlds population. Where she walked, hundreds would have walked before her, busy with shopping and cars driving around on the streets. The evening would be the time for parties where the bars were filled and music blaring out into the street.

She looks down at her baggy  shirt, pants and jacket, her shirt tucked into the waist line of her pants. She has gotten used to wearing these clothes, though sometimes she missed her skinny jeans and tight shirts. She sighed and turned down another street, jumping as lighting flashed above her, followed by a clap of thunder. She quickened her pace, her paws splashing through the puddles as the wind picked up. Unlocking the door, she hurris in slamming it closed behind her, the only light being the occasional flashes of lightning cutting through the sky. Locking the door behind her, she decides to wander through the ground floor as per usual, before heading upstairs to change.

Moving into her bedroom, she flet herself choke up as her eyes fell on a picture standing on her dresser. Picking it up, she sat on the bed. It was of her and her mate. He had been at work whtn the army came, and pulled all abled men out to fight, the women picking up the mens jobs. She never got word of if he was alive of not. Her friends thought he was alive and kept her hoping for the best too. When the bombs came she had been in the basement, the thick concrete walls having protected her. When she came back up, her work, her friends, her town had mostly been destroyed. Families had been stranded, seperated, or dead.  

For the most part, the subdivisions hadn't been touched by the wave. Eventually, she got over the shock of it and decided to go looking for any survivors. There had been very few, and as soon as they were able, they left. It was then that she started to panic, unsure if her mate would come back to her. It had been 5 years since that day and still, she hoped.

Alpha put the picture back on her dresser and covered her face, her breathing ragged. She had waited here in case he came back, looking for her. She looked at the various pictures of her and her mate. Right ehen and there she decided something, something that would change her life. She decided to go look for him. Slipping off the bed she pulled out a trunk and started packing food, clothes and other neccessities. Taking the picture out of the frame she taped it to the inside of the lid.

Pulling the iside flap of the lid down, she pulls a black case out from under the bed. Opening it she looked at the few pistols and magazines she had. Closing the trunk, the lasyed the bullets, empty clips and guns out on top, she then started to load them. Pulling out her vest she packs it as well, only on her body rather than in the trunk. It was light weight but would protect her from the highest calibur bullet. She continues to load her guns, smiling at the first memor she had of using one. 


"Okay, hold it up shoulder height, but relax your elbows. There, do you feel that? It's the weight of the gun in your hand." He smiled at her his eyes shining with pride. Flushing slightly, she smiled back.

"When can I shoot it?"

"When you are ready. Aim down the sight, and shoot at the middle of your target. Keep your elbows soft though or the kick back will hurt." He helped her aim, and stood behind her as she shot. After, when her gun had been put down, he went to retrieve her target. He walked back smiling so much his eyes had all but disappeared. "You hit the target right in the middle every time! I'm so proud of you!"


She felt a tear fall, landing on the gun barrel. She didn't even notice she had been crying. Putting the gun back on the top of the trunk she changed for bed. The rain was still falling, the lighting flashing though not as bright. The thunder, now just a low rumble in the distance. Alpha began to doze, falling into a light sleep. Her bed, to big for one body felt empty. Her dreams full of her mate, and replaying the small amount of time they had, had together.

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