Chapter 3

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Hey everyone, chapter 3 of searching! ENJOY! 


"I hate the rain..." Alpha drove slowly through the subdivision, looking for somewhere to hole up for a day or two. She has already passed through one province, though not as quickly as she would have liked. A two day drive took her nearly 3 weeks to complete with having to go through long routes, and stay in one area for a few days to find food. The pup, who she had named Ghost, had begun to grow, so not only was she on the look out for a place to stay to trian him, but she also needed a small trailer or add-on. It was getting crouded in the van, the back filled with food, gear, clothes, and other things. It was getting harder to sleep and be comfortable at night. With a trailer she could sleep in the van with everything else in the trailer locked up safely. 

Finding a suitable house she pulls up and goes around back. She puts her gun in her holster, taking a deep breath, "C'mon Ghost, lets scope this place out." Getting out, he stayed by her side as she pulled on the vest. Closing thd oor she nods and Ghost bolts off, dashing into the back door. Apha quickly follows behind him, her paws soft and quiet on the grass. Ghost peeks in and sits waiting for his next command, "Stay until I whistle." Patting his head she moves deeper into the hold house.

Ghost watched and listened, his eyes trained on her back. When she finished on the ground floor she whistled and Ghost appeared at her side. She smiled, happy the little boots she had made him kept him quiet. She motioned for upstairs and moved towards the staircase. Sending Ghost up first she waited seeing if any of the stairs creaked under his weight. Not hearing anything she moved quickly heading up after him. Turning the corner, Ghost at her side, she moved through the upstairs rooms, and down the hall. Ghost paused, his hackles raised and his tail up, signalling that there was something in the last room. 

Stopping at the door, Alpha sniffed the air, not sensing anything dangerous, she pushes on the door. Peaking in through the crack she smiles, a goose had gotten stuck in the room the window having shut. Moving back she lets Ghost in. Quietly she wateched as he stalked towards it. He pounced on it a flurry of wings and honks sounding quickly stopping as he broke its neck the gooes hung limp in his jaws.


"This is delicious!" Alpha smiles as she bites into the goose meat. Ghost looked up, licking the juice from his lips. "When was the last time we had fresh meat? Ha! It's been so long I can't even remember!" Pulling at the meat she started to hum a couple of her favourite songs, including the one that she danced to, as the first dance on her wedding night. She smiles softly remember how warm his body was next to hers. 


"You're beautiful..." he whispered, his voice full of love and adoration for her. 

"You're quite the handsom devil yourself." She blushed, her voice soft, giggling as his scales flush in embarrassment.

"You're still the center of attention, the most beautiful woman in the whole world, no one could compare." He kissed her then, lovingly, softly, his lips tasting of a slight cinnamon and spice, warm against hers.


A low growl in her ear woke her from her dream. Ghost was looking out the window of the van. Keeping her head low, she peeks out the window, placing a paw on Ghosts shoulder to quiet him. She sucked in, holding her breath. Outside was a small group of felines. She watched them silently, glad for the tinted windows. Slowly, she moved to a crouch, shifting her way backwards to the drivers seat. Ghost watched carefully, eyes and ears trained on the small group outside. Finding her pistol Alpha takes the safety off. 

"Tch," Ghost flicks an ear towards her, "Ghost, come," she whispers. Unlocking the door, she steps out, staying low. Ghost jumps down on quiet paws and stands beside her. She let the door close but not shut worried the click would give her away. She moves towards the back staying in cover.

"Hey! Hands up!" She cocked her pistol ready to use if need be. 

"Woah! Woah! Woah! W-we mean no harm! Please, we have children!"

Alpha froze and peeked out from behind the van. She lowes her gun, seeing that they do indeed have children with them. She sent Ghost over to search for weapons, relaxing slightly. He barks and she moves closer, pistol still in her hand. 

"It's just us, you're okay." A small, soft voice came from her right. Looking over she notices a small feline, standin gnext to her mat. "We do have one other who will join us soon, don't worry though he's really nice."

Relaxing slightly, Alpha opens the trunk of the van, pulling out some food. Closing the trunk she hands the bag over to the male. "Here, it's not much but we won't eat it." The contents consisted of beans, crackers, a loaf of bread she had managed to save, and some gummy snacks for the small cub.

"This, this is to much," his voice gruff with emotion as he accepted the food.

"Like I said, we won't eat it," Though she knew damn well she would, the family needed it more. Alpha wandered over the to fire and sat down, building the flame up. The small family sat opposite of her in a huddle and started to cook a can of beans. Alpha watched, observing the family. The female seemed to be of tabby origin only very small, with a dark colouring. Though tiny, Alpha could see the muscle ripple under her short fur. The tabby's mate though seemed to be a snow leopard, the thick fur and long tail giving it away, though the stripes hinting at tiger. 

"So what is your story?" Alpha jumped surprised out of her thoughts.

"Sorry?" She flushed embarrassed at not paying attention.

"How did you get to here? What is your story?"

"My story?" she went quiet unsure of what to say. Looking down at Ghost, laying comfortable in front of the fire. Sighing she lookded back at the couple, their cub sleeping on their lap. "Well, it starts back west in Banff Alberta..."


Thank you for reading! The next chapter should be up next saturday on the 8th! 

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