Chapter 2

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Hey all chapter 2 and 3 will be put up today sorry for the late update i worked last saturday and didn't have time Enjoy!


The next morning, she walked through the house, looking at all the pictures and rembering her life with her mate before the war started. Earlier, she had set her trunk at the door where it now waited for her. With a last look around, she left, locking the door behind her for what might be the last time. Putting the key in her pocket she carted her trunk to the van. Climbing in, Alpha rested her head on the steerting wheel, trying to compose herself before she started the engine. She refused to look in the rear view as she drove away, she headed east, going towards the main field, where the war took place. As she drove, she hummed music to herself, trying to remember all the words.

After driving for a few hours, she pulls over to fill the gas tank. Grabbing the cherry cans from the back, she tried the pumps only to find then inactive. As she expected. Finding the holding tanks, she stands for a moment trying to think if she has anything she can use to pry open the lids. Looking around she finds a metal bar that had come from the roof of the crumbling store. Headed to the first tank she prys off the lid with little difficulty only to find it empty. Opening the second she recoiled, feeling sick to her stomach, the stench of rotten meat exploding from the tank. She replaces the lid, sitting for a minute to catch her breath, far away from that second tank. She glances at the last talk and walks over. She pauses praying that there was at least enough gas to fill the van. Opening th elid she scrunches up her nose as the stench of gas hits her in the face. 

"Jackpot!" now all she needed was something to syphen it out with. She pops the turnk of the van and searched through the spare wheel compartment looking for a hose, "c'mon where are you. I know you're in here." She pulls out a green hose only moments later. "There!" going back to the tank she begins to suck the liquid out into the cherry can. Spitting out the small amount that got into her mouth she wipes her lips. She had gotten used to the taste after having to syphen for a couple years. after her town had been wiped out. As soon as both the cans were filled, she pulled a gun from her trunks and went into the gas station. 

Slowly entering she proped the door open with a rain filled can. Scoping out the front of the gas station she deemed it safe. Putting her pistol in her waist band she began to gather food and drinks that hadn't spoiled. As she was filling her bag with the unspoiled soup a crash sounded from the back. Alpha freezes. Putting the can down quietly, she pulls out her gun, keeping it beside her, finger on the trigger ready to shoot. Crouching low, she moves towards the swinging doors, pushing one of them open slowly she keeps close to the wall, bringing her gun up. SHe leans on the wall, staying small, her ears swivelling trying to pick up any movements the shadows might hold. Hearing nothing she turns to leave, only to see a small shadow streak across the floor out of the corner of her eye. She crouches again quickly, moving towards the shadows hiding place she brings up her gun again.

Stopping she notices a small shape hunched over under a pile of fallen skids. Looking around she picks up a small piece of broken skid and reaches out with it only to fall on her butt with a yelp as a small pup jumps out at her with a growl. His fur was standing up on his body, she laughed softly and held out her hand.

"Here boy, it's okay, I won't hurt you." Alpha slowly scooted towards the pup, having pulled some bread from her bag she holds it out to him, or what she assumed was a him. He sniffed at it cautiously. She tossed it onto the floor in front of him before standing to look around.

"Where is your mama?"

The puppy ooked up at her with silent eyes, still on alert but body calmed. He turns, crawling under the skids. Alpha follows, squeezing through slowly, her nose picks up the slight scent of death. As she crawls out into a small space she moves a skid only to lay her eyes on a large she wolf, laying as skin and bone on the floor She must not have been able to find enough food for both her and her pups. She turned her eyes to the small male who was nosing his mother and whining. 

"She's gone little guy, the best we can do is bury her."

She began to move the skids, the smell of death only growing stronger. Moving one skid to the side she gasps, turning away with her hand to her nose. Three small pups lay as skin and bone nothing more. She stifles a small cry as she turns back to the cries of the lone pup. 

"They're gone little one, ther is nothing we can do."

Pulling a tarp off the racks near by, Alpha wraps the she-wolf and pups in it. PUlling the skid out to the grass she buries the bodies putting a cross where they lay. Wiping her hands on her pants she says a small farewell then heads back to the van. A scuttle of claws was heard behind her along with a whine. Turning she puts her hands on her hips.

"I guess I can't very well leave you here huh."

She pauses thinking about it then sighs, "alright, c'mon thne." Turning back she slides open the door, scooping up the pup she plops him on the back seat. Alpha climbs in and drives off turning onto the highways. The pup, having crawled to the fron, now slept on a blanket. She smiles, "guess i'll be needing to hunt or search for canned food, as well as toys." she sighs, "and training..."

After driving for a few hours, lost in her own though, the pulls over and into the trees. Locking the door she curls up in the back pulling the pup with her. She falls into a light sleep, the pup curled up against her chest. 

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