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Sumire and Shota walked slowly, in no rush and resting in the comfort of knowing each other wouldn't disturb the bounds of one another's reserved personalities.

But while neither was drunk or tipsy, the alcohol had definitely helped them loosen up around each other. At least for the girl, she felt whatever walls she had crashing down, yet she had already managed to humiliate herself in front of him, so there wasn't much else left for her to lose.

"I like the way you look with your hair pulled back." She muttered softly, not daring to look at him despite her lack of a filter on her words.

He hummed and raised a brow, glancing at the woman from the corner of his bloodshot eyes. He then released a strange, laugh-like huff, hiding a small grin. "Weird."

"I think you're weirder than I am." She chuckled.

"Maybe." He agreed.

Before too long, they had reached their apartments. As Shota unlocked his door - particularly eager to get to sleep - Sumire teased, "You're done with your hero-ing for the night?"

"What?" He grumbled and frowned, though he didn't seem annoyed.

"You know, having accompanied a "lone woman" outside at night." She mocked with a genuine smile.

He furrowed his brows in confusion.

This led her to further pester him, mimicking his words but saying in a taunting and silly tone, "What kind of hero would I be if I didn't accompany a lone woman outside at night?"

He smirked and gave a short laugh. He then opened his door and looked her straight in her charcoal-colored eyes, "Yeah, that was bullshit. It was just for you."

Before she could respond or really digest what he said, he disappeared into his apartment, shutting the door behind him.

Sumire felt heat rise to her cheeks and she quickly drifted into her own place, hiding from anyone - especially Shota - who could possibly see her. Echo came padding up to her happily as the woman sunk to the ground and embraced the cat in her arms.

"Oh, Echo." She mumbled, snuggling herself in her thick black fur. "This guy has got me feeling all weird."

Echo meowed and wiggled from her grasp, having had enough of the cuddling, but she stayed around to comfort her beloved human who was growing more anxious by the second as she got ready for bed. It had only been a day since the terrifying darkness came after her and chased her into Shota's room. While she felt exhausted, she wasn't sure if she could actually get to sleep.

But as she crawled under the sheets, the cat curled up next to her. Her contact kept the girl grounded in reality, and her slow, peaceful breathing kept her sane, eventually lulling her to sleep.


The next morning was a slow one, for Sumire had many menial tasks that served more as formalities than actually working to get things done for the overall betterment of the school. By the time the afternoon came, she was delivering files to the teachers and offices around the U.A. campus.

When she came across class 1-A, she saw Shota addressing the students, preparing to transition from the morning periods to afternoon. She paused for a moment, finding herself hanging just behind the door, watching him and his laid-back personality which was quite amusing to witness in a teaching position.

"Ms. Eto." He said suddenly and sternly, startling her in having caught her snooping. "Care to add anything?" He raised a brow and showed his teeth in a bored frown.

She blinked, regaining her senses and walked into the classroom. "I was just dropping this by." She set a file on his podium at the front of the classroom.

G H O S T [Shota Aizawa x OC]Where stories live. Discover now