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Months went by as Shota and Sumire kept a professional working relationship, although their closeness was not unnoticed. Midnight had already drawn her own conclusions, and the man couldn't lie to Hizashi, nor could Sumire keep it from Hibiki.

Eri was also coming to understand what being "special friends" meant. It meant that they would occasionally have sleepovers. It also meant that they would give each other a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead, or they would cuddle when the three of them were watching a movie. The little girl was also naive enough to tell all the other students that their two mentors were "special friends," which certainly wasn't dismissed by them, especially the ones of class 1-A who had been sensing the romantic and sexual tension for a while.

Just like that, like a normal high school, rumors spread to the point that the students - specifically Shota's - assumed that the two were totally together. The ship was sailing at U.A.

So at the end of their final semester as first-year students, the man decided to acknowledge the rumors that flooded the halls. Each student of class 1-A was distracted and unfocused, having just finished their final exams and ready for classes to end.

Still, Shota sternly rested his palms on his teaching podium and ordered their attention. "Everyone, quiet down." It took a few seconds for them to find their seats and for all eyes to be watching their teacher. "Now, I'm aware that there are rumors floating around regarding Ms. Eto and I." He began.

Ashido - being their biggest supporter among the up-and-coming heroes - interrupted, "These are facts."

As if on cue, Sumire happened to be walking by with paperwork, so the man called out to her. "Ms. Eto." He said in a monotonous tone.

"Hm?" She paused and acknowledged.

"Can you come here for a moment?"

Confused, she obliged and set the paperwork down on a desk pushed against the chalkboard, then took her position beside the teacher who didn't seem in the least bit irritated, despite his usual persona.

"I would like to acknowledge that Ms. Eto and I are, in fact, tog-"

Before he could say anything further, the class was already cheering like they had just achieved some kind of huge victory.

Sumire looked at Shota in disbelief that he had confessed their relationship to his students. Instead of paying attention to her questioning brow, he smirked and quieted the students once more.

"Yes, yes." He recognized their joy as he thanked anything or anyone he possibly could to bring Sumire into his life. "I love Sumire Eto." He declared.

A blush covered the woman's pale face as school girls squealed excitedly. This was the first time he said that he loved her. The "L" word was used, and it wasn't in private, it was in front of everyone, which seemed both ironic and embarrassing.

"And we're moving in together."

"Eh?!" Sumire finally blurted out. "We didn't talk about this!"

"It's not like you don't live there part-time anyways." He reasoned matter-of-factly.

"I guess..." She sighed, overwhelmed by everything that was happening at once.

"Then do you want to move in with me?"

"Yes." She pouted from the sensation of shyness she was filled with.

Then - headed by Ashido - the students of class 1-A began to pound on the desks and chant in unison: "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

This made the two red and flustered. Shota had been so confident and forward with them thus far, but perhaps this was too far.

But despite her blush, Sumire smiled gently and turned towards the man. She whispered so that only he could hear, "I love you, too."

She cupped his rough cheek in her hands and stood on her toes, bringing the taller man into a sweet, loving kiss.

Andclass 1-A erupted in chaotic cheers and shouts, finally confirming what theypredicted all along.

G H O S T [Shota Aizawa x OC]Where stories live. Discover now