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shawn: ccamla?
shawn: why arrr yio actin didfnert withr me
camila: are you drunk? where are you?
shawn: no, im at thr club wirh rhe groip yoi didny want ro xome :(
camila: shawn you're drunk. please be careful.
shawn: i miseed yoi
camila: I miss you too, but please get a ride back home.
shawn: ok
Next day,

"Ugh, my head hurts"- Shawn
"Well who's fault is that?"-Camila
"What, how did you get in the house?"-Shawn
"Sam, duh"-Camila
"Oh, right"-Shawn
"Here take this, it should help you with your headache"-Camila
"Thanks"-Shawn smiles
"So, it looks like you couldn't make it to your room?"-Camila
"I guess not, I don't remember"-Shawn
"You need to be careful next time"-Camila
"I know, I know"-Shawn
"Well, I have to go-"-Camila
"Wait you're leaving already?"-Shawn
"Um, yeah. I mean Alessia told me she will take care of you?"-Camila
"But, I don't want her to take care of me.. I want you to stay. We need to talk."-Shawn
"Talk about what?"-Camila
"You know what,"-Shawn

Shawn's phone starts ringing

"Actually, i'm going to catch up with Camila today before we leave."
"I'll see you later okay."

"Okay, so i'm going to take a shower and I'll be right back. Don't leave please"- Shawn
"Fine"- Camila

Shawn walks upstairs to take a shower and Camila waits in his living room.

"Okay, i'm done. We can talk now"-Shawn

Camila just looks at him with no emotion

"Look, I know you're still mad at me"-Shawn
"Of course I am, you literally left without telling me"-Camila
" I told you I tried to call you, but I had no service and then my phone died when I got over there"-Shawn
"Yeah you told me"-Camila
"Well, i'm sorry okay, what do you want me to do so you can forgive me?"-Shawn
"Nothing, i'm over it now"-Camila
"If you are, then why did you leave like nothing last night?"-Shawn
"I had to go back to the studio"-Camila
"Okay, but im only here for 2 days, and I know you were trying to avoid me"-Shawn
"Well your other friends were there you were fine without me"-Camila
"I still wanted you to go, you're my best friend"-Shawn

Shawn's phone rings again

"What? No that's not true? Who said that?"
"Well, what am I going to do about that?"
"Fine, ill see you in a bit"

"What happened?"- Camila
"People think Alessia and I are dating?"-Shawn
"Oh, I was about to ask you about that"-Camila
"What, no we are not dating"-Shawn
"Well the pictures looked like you guys are"-Camila
"What pictures?"-Shawn
"Pictures of you two together, I only saw them because people keep tagging me on them"- Camila
"I'm sorry, I don't remember."-Shawn
"Well you were drunk, so"-Camila

Shawn's phone rings again. He lets it ring

"You're not going to answer that?"-Camila
"No, she can wait"-Shawn
"And you say that's not your girlfriend"-Camila
"She's not my girlfriend okay"-Shawn

It got awkward and just stare at each other.

"I have to go Shawn"-Camila
"Fine, will I see you before I leave?"-Shawn
"I don't know, hopefully"-Camila

She opens the front door and leaves.

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