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Incoming Facetime call

"Cabello"- Shawn smiles
"I miss you"-Shawn
"I miss you, how are you?"-Camila
"Oh you know just miserable. You?-Shawn
"I'm okay just trying to keep myself busy"-Camila shrugs
"How is Alessia treating you?"-Camila
"Don't bring her up"-Shawn rolls his eyes
"Okay i'm guessing bad, well I see she's always posting you on instagram"-Camila
"Yeah, and I hate commenting back"-Shawn
"I'm surprised she hasn't blocked me"-Camila laughs
"She's probably checking up on you, so you won't do anything to ruin her career"-Shawn
"If she wasn't such a bitch, I would actually be nice to her. But from the beginning she was rude so."-Camila
"So, what are you doing today?"-Shawn
"Probably go out with Bazzi, who knows, you?"-Camila
"Oh that's cool, and I have to be with Alessia"-Shawn
"Oh right, sorry"-Camila

As they were talking, Shawn gets another phone call

"Ugh, sorry"-Shawn
"It's her isn't, okay i'll talk to you later"-Camila

It's been almost 3 months, Shawn and Alessia are still "together". They did get more fans and everyone loves them together.

shawn: hey can we talk?
manager: i'm at a meeting right now, but we can meet in like 15 at the office?
shawn: yeah sure

"Hey, sorry i'm a little late, but what did you want to talk about?"-Manager
"The whole fake dating thing. I think it's time for us to break up and move on. We both have more fans, she's getting more famous"-Shawn

His manager just stayed quiet.

"Look, I didn't want to tell you this. But i'm at the point of quitting music. I don't care if I lose fans, i'm always going to have fans that hate me no matter what. If we break up, her fans are going to be the only ones who hate me."-Shawn
"I get that, but you do have 2 more months until this deal is off."-Manager
"What? You didn't tell me that?"-Shawn
"We did, but you had walked out"-Manager
"Can't I do anything to end this?"-Shawn
"Unfortunately not, i'm sorry"-Manager
"Can I at least hang out with Camila?"-Shawn

His manager thought about it.

"Yeah, you can but just be careful, okay?"-Manager
"I will, thanks"-Shawn nods

shawn: hey camila!!
camila; what?
shawn: so I hang out with you in public again
camila: wait really? :)
shawn: yes, I had a talk with my manager.
camila: woah, meet at the coffee shop by my place?
shawn: on my way :)

Camila was waiting at the coffee shop, Shawn finally got there and ran up to her. She goes and hugs him.

"I missed you so much"-Shawn
"I missed you more"-Camila

They sat down and just talked for hours. His phone kept ringing and it was Alessia. She would not leave him alone at all.

"Why is she like this?"-Camila
"I don't know, but do you see what I deal with"-Shawn
"Seems like she thinks you guys are actually dating"-Camila
"Oh, yeah I know"-Shawn shrugs
"So, how long do you have until you guys are done fake dating?"-Camila
"Sadly, 2 more months"-Shawn
"What? still?"-Camila frowns
"Yeah, I don't know if I could last 2 more
months with her"-Shawn
"I'm sorry"-Camila

She looks at him while he is looking out the window. But as Shawn looks back at her, she looks away.

"Well, I should get going. I have to meet Bazzi and Khalid"-Camila
"Ooo, what are you guys doing"-Shawn
"Catch up, haven't seen them in months"-Camila
"Nice"-Shawn smiles

They get up and walk outside the shop.

"Well i'm glad I am able to see you again in person"-Shawn
"Me too"-Camila smiles

They hug, and she walks of to the street. Shawn just stands there staring at her walking away.

"Ugh why can't I tell her how I feel about her"-Shawn

He grabs his head and looks at her direction one more time, then walks up to his car.

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