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"Remember I'm good at basketball?"-Camila laughs
"Not fair"-Shawn groans
"You chose this game"-Camila

Camila ended up winning and gets a stuffed animal.

"You're just mad you lost"- Camila
"No?"-Shawn frowns
"We can play another game, looks like they're still up there?"-Camila
"I'll beat you on this one watch"-Shawn

They go to another game, they have to knock down some blocks with only two balls. Camila went first, she missed both times

"Ugh, so close"-Camila
"My turn"-Shawn smiles

He throws the first ball, he knocked down the block on top, he throws the second ball and knocks the rest down.

"Okay, we are even"-Camila smiles
"What stuff animal you want?"-Shawn
"What? No it's okay"-Camila
"Come on choose one"-Shawn

Camila kept declining him, until Shawn found a perfect one for her.

"I got you the bananas one"-Shawn smiles
"You didn't have to"-Camila
"Take it"-Shawn
"Fine"-Camila smiles

Shawn starts laughing,

"It's almost your size, here i'll hold it for you"-Shawn
"You're so mean"-Camila sticks her tongue out
"How? I just won you a prize"-Shawn

"Whatever Mendes, look I think the ride finished, we should go back"-Camila
"Okay, yeah"-Shawn

They walk back to the ride and wait.

"How could you ride that for more than 5 minutes?"-Camila
"It was AWESOME"-Michael laughs

"Hey where did you go? You disappeared"-Alessia
"What the fuck Alessia? I just went to play games with Camila, while we waited for you guys"-Shawn

Shawn moves spots.

"Next ride!"-Michael

They all got in other rides, they would split up. Alessia made sure Shawn and Camila wouldn't be in the same ride.

"Let's go on the ferris wheel"-Camila shouts

They all get in line for the ferris wheel.

"I have to use the restroom, be right back"-Michael

He gets back, he stands next to Alessia. There were some kids in front of them.

"Do you guys have an adult with you two?"-Man
"No"- Girl
"Unfortunately, you cant get on it sorry"-Man

Camila overheard him,

"She can ride with me,"-Camila
"The boy can ride with with me"-Shawn

"Are you guys okay with riding with them?"-Man
"Yeah"- Girl yells

He lets the other people get in, then he points at Shawn and Camila.

"You two and you two kids get in this one"-Man

Shawn and Camila looked at each other. They looked back at the man and followed them. They sat down and waited.

Michael looks at Camila asked what happened. She shook her head.

"SHAWN... Shawn?"-Alessia

He looks at her.

"What happened?"-Alessia
"We have to sit with the kids, because they need adults with them to get on the ride"-Shawn

Alessia sits with Michael and another couple. They all waited and finally they ferris wheel starts moving.

"So, Alessia said that Michael was bringing his crush, so you're not his crush?"-Shawn
"No,'he's a close friend of mine, he is in love with another girl, but they got in argument. So he asked me last minute if I could join him for tonight. Then I come and I see Alessia. I was like oh great"-Camila
"Oh, yeah small world huh"-Shawn
"Very small world"-Camila laughs
"But i'm glad you're here though"-Shawn half smiles
"Yeah i'm actually having fun"-Camila smiles

The ride ends and one by one they're getting off, Shawn and Camila were first since they were with the kids.

"Thank you guys"- Kids yell
"You're welcome"-Camila smiles

They both wait for the rest.

"Hey Camila, I need-.."Shawn

Alessia interrupts him

"What Alessia?"-Shawn rolls his eyes
"Come with me to get a water?"-Alessia

"Hey guys we are going to get some water"-Alessia
"We will join you guys, i'm so thirsty"-Michael

They all follow them, Alessia didn't want that though, she wanted to talk to Shawn in private.

They get in line and order their drinks. Chelsea and her date went to order food. Michael was in line with Shawn. Camila was sitting, using her phone. Alessia walks towards her.

"Can I help you?"-Camila
"Uh yeah, stop talking to Shawn. Don't you get it?"-Alessia
"You can't tell me what to do, don't you get it?-Camila

Shawn notices Alessia and it looked like she was yelling at Camila. He speed walks over there.

"The news were right,you are going guy after guy"-Alessia

"Alessia, can you shut up?"-Shawn

Camila looked at him shocked.

"Get out of this Shawn, why are you defending her? She literally is using all these guys, and you're one of them"-Alessia
"Stop, i'm literally tired of you being a bitch to everyone. Especially Camila, I was stupid not defending her that night. I just don't understand why you're so rude?"-Shawn looks at her
"Wha- you're suppose to be in my side? Why are you on her side? She literally told you, you guys weren't friends anymore?"-Alessia
"Yeah, but that's none of your business. Now can we please end the night with no fighting. I'm actually enjoying my night"- Shawn glares at her

Shawn looks at Alessia, and sits next to Camila. She looks at Shawn and whispers:

"Thanks for that"-Camila
"I've should of done that from the beginning"-Shawn stares

"Camila lets go play basketball?"-Michael
"Let's do it"-Camila smiles

They both walk away, the other couple is eating and Alessia is sitting using her phone.

Shawn just looks at them and zones out.

He thinks to himself "Maybe I can actually do this. I know exactly where to do this and tell her"

He looks down and smiles

Shawmila Where stories live. Discover now