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Incoming Facetime call

"Hey Ballz."
"I'm only staying for a week"
"I will"
"Oh, really? You know i'll be there."
"Okay bye see you soon"

Hailee is having her album release party, thank god it's after when Camila comes back. So she will be able to go.

"I'm so sad you're leaving already"-Shawn
"I know, but you have to visit me too"-Mom
"I know and I will soon I promise"-Shawn

Shawn was dropping her mom off at the airport.

"Well I have to go, i'll see you soon. I hope everything works out with Camila okay"-Mom hugs him
"Okay, I love you"-Shawn

New text message

hailee: hey guess what?
shawn: what??
hailee: i'm finally going to release my
shawn: no way? wow congrats halz
hailee: thank you i'm so excited, but I was texting you to let you know that i'm having my album release party next weekend
shawn: oh okay well you know ill be there!
hailee: great ❤️

New text message

manager: hey shawn
shawn: yes?
manager: so I tried everything and they didn't listen
shawn: so that's means no
manager: sadly you'll have to finish the month,
i'm so sorry
shawn: it's fine, thanks for trying though

Few days later, Camila came back from Miami, and Sam "Shawn's photographer texted her asking if she wanted to do a photoshoot. Of course she said yes, so she was going to meet him later at his place.

"Hey Camila, i'm glad you said yes"-Sam
"Of course, why wouldn't I say no"-Camila smiles
"Well, let me finish setting everything up and you can get ready."

Camila went to change for her outfit and Sam was ready for her.

"Okay i'm ready when you are"-Sam yells

Sam sees her, and he was in awe

"Wow, um loving the outfit"-Sam gets red
"Thanks"-Camila laughs

So he tells her what to do and she gets ready, he starts taking pictures of her. They did this for about 30 minutes.

"Okay, I think-."-Sam

Sam got interrupted by the doorbell

"Oh i'll be right back"-Sam walks to the door

"Hey Sam, sorry I came without letting you know"-Shawn

Camila froze, that voice.. that was Shawn. She didn't know if she should hide or just pretend she doesn't see him.

"You're good, I just finished doing a photoshoot, come in"-Sam

Shawn walks in and as he walks to the living room. His heart stops, he sees Camila sitting on the couch.

"Hey?"-Shawn can't stop staring at her
"Hey"-Camila half smiles

"As I was saying, I think we are done, the pictures came out pretty good. I'll send you the pictures when I fully fix them okay"-Sam
"Okay cool"-Camila smiles

"Hey what did you you want again?"-Sam
"Oh um, I need to borrow your video camera"-Sam
"The vintage one?"-Sam
"Yup that one"Shawn
"Yeah, okay i'll be right back let me get it"-Sam

Sam leaves them alone and it got awkward.

"So, I saw you went to go visit you family,"-Shawn
"Uh, yeah I just stayed for a week. I really missed them so I was like why not visit them
i'm not doing anything"-Camila
"Oh well that's good"-Shawn nods
"Yeah, uh so how have you been?"-Camila
"I've been good, my mom just left back to Toronto"-Shawn
"Oh she was here, that's awesome"-Camila
"Yeah, I miss her already though"-Shawn
"I feel you, I miss my family, I cried in the airplane on my way back"-Camila
"So, everyone saw you cry?"-Shawn
"Yeah, it was embarrassing, so I cried even more"-Camila
"From all the attention huh, I cried but in my car."-Shawn
"You don't want people to know Shawn Mendes actually cries. Wow"-Camila giggles
"Yeah, i'm a bad boy remember. I don't cry in public"-Shawn chuckles
"Ok whatever"-Camila half smiles

"Well I should start getting my things ready it was nice seeing you"-Camila
"Yeah, same here."-Shawn

She starts walking away.

"Hey Camil-..."-Shawn

"I finally found the camera"-Sam yells

"Never mind, I just wanted to say I missed you"-Shawn whispers

Camila stays quiet

"I missed you too"-Camila half smiles

Camila walks to the room.

"Here you go my man"-Sam
"Thanks, I'll give it back to you tomorrow "-Shawn
"Sounds good"-Sam smiles

Shawn leaves the house with a smile on his face.

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