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the clouds slowly pass under us as we soar through the sky.

"sky? sky?! take those things out of your ears, before you go deaf." mum can be so irritating. i pout. "but i was just in the middle of a song."

she smirks, "that won't work on me. now, get some sleep it's a long flight."

"fine," i roll my eyes and nestle my head into the wall.

*3 hours later*

"wake up!" i feel my sister prodding her finger into my side.

"shut up, belle!" my 14 year old sibling pokes her tongue at me and i return it. "mum!" she squeals, "sky poked her tongue at me!" my mum looks at me in dissapointment.

"what?! she started it!" i point. she then turns to her and says, "bella, you are mature enough to behave properly. i keep telling you. you are no longer a baby."

"yesh, i know mama." she mimicks and my mum pinches her nose.

there is a sudden bell as the captain makes an announment. in approximately 10 minutes, we will be landing at houston international airport...

that's all i need to know. finally, we're here. i'm so excited! it's been years since i was last in america. but now i'm going to live there. i'll miss dad. won't be able to rock out with him, anymore.

before i know it, the plane is plumetting down to earth and we land swiftly. within minutes, it's safe to get off and all of the passengers are hurrying around to get there luggage.

i only need my hand luggage. work them muscles, people.

i'll miss all my friends to in england. i'm so glad facetime was invented. however, mum always said they were a bad influence.

we soon have our many suitcases and make our way to the exit.

"sky! belle! alison!" i hear my aunts' shrill voices call us. i engulf them in a hug.

"it's been so long, jen," my mum says.

"come on, let's go dump your stuff at your house. then let's celebrate," my aunt, marline exclaims.

we load the luggage into the car and made our way.

after 'don't panic' and socialising, we make it to my foreign home.

"it's only a 15 minutes drive away from our house," aunt jen chirps.

"oh my god!" my sister giggles and i roll my eyes. "mum, it's huge."

((a/n that sounded really wrong..))

she smiles from beside me and says, "i should have given this to you when you were smaller. a better childhood but-"

"it's fine. i know," i try comfort her.

my mum and dad split up when i was 7 years old, 10 years ago. she is really strong, but she is still gentle.

i smile and turn to belle. too busy texting her boyfriend. i don't get it. she's 14!

we're basically identical. apart from the mature look and age difference, for me. and the eyebrows, darks eyelashes and eyes, pinker lips, smaller nose...

i officially hate her! nothing new, it's a daily thing.

we empty the small car of our rubbish and literally dump it in the living room. the great thing about this house is that its already furnished.

i run up the stairs to find a room. "BAGSY AND DIBS ON THIS ROOM!!!!" i literally scream. "OK THEN!!!!",my mum yells from down the hall.

it's about 3x bigger than my old bedroom, i shared with belle. i dance around and sing along to 'i miss you', blasting through my headphones, in my shitty voice.

i notice a boy in a nirvana shirt and a mess of black hair staring at me from the opposite house, while i parade around my room.

i freeze in my place and fix my clothes of a red and black flannel, black jeans and a nirvana shirt. matching his.

he breaks into a smile and i imagine the sound. his eyes crinkle at the corners and his nose scrunches up. i feel the blush creep to my cheeks. i point to my t-shirt and him with a thumbs-up. i like this kid already, good music taste. i look down admiring my black and white vans. i look up and wave awkwardly, with a cheesy grin plastered across my face.

he smiles and waves back.


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