How it all started

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Hi there! This is my first story so don’t hate, please? I’m new here so I’m not that professional but I still hope you like it! Let me know what you think about it!


Love, @ArigrandeToto

As I woke up, the first thing I could see were 2 big green eyes. It were harry’ s since I got his poster in front of me.

“Good morning Harold. Nice to see you this fine day.” I’m such a creep. Talking to my posters when I wake up. normal people call their boyfriends right after they wake up.

Then there’s me. Hayley Scarlett Knight. A 17 years old, normal girl from California who loves her life. Not much special happens to me although I try to do very exciting things. I work at the Hollister so my closet is practically full of clothes. I’m not beautiful and I don’t feel like it but hey, nobody is perfect.

When I tried to reach for my tea, which was standing at the table next to my bed, I fell of my bed to the floor with my duvet and all of my pillows.

A few minutes later I heard someone yelling from behind me.

“Hayley, What in carrots hell are you doing?!” This was a voice I heard every second of the day. It was my best friend Letizia who was standing at my door, looking all tired.

Letizia Aurora Chambers to be exactly. We’ve been best friends the past 6 years and we decided to rent an apartment just for us two because we work together, Have the same hobbies and also because we can’t be a day without each other so why not live together?

Letizia walked in, settled down on my bed and crossed her arms. She seemed mad and was still waiting for my answer.

“I was just, errr.. Searching for my cellphone!” Great acting work Hales.

“ Oh, so you asked your duvet to help you out with that? “ man, she’s good.

 “Said the girl who makes the most epic fails here.” I tried to smirk but I noticed that she was really pissed off so I stopped it.

“No need for laughing Mrs. Knight. you better get your ass back up here to explain why you needed to wake me up with disturbing sounds” As I got up, I handed her my tea, but before I did, took one little sip.

“ well, do you know what this is? ” I pointed at my cup of tea which she was holding. She nodded

“ I tried to reach it but I fell….” I had a hard time, trying not to laugh about my own fail.

She started laughing and almost fell of bed to!

 “Hey! Forgot what Justin thought us? ‘You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall’!” I guess I shouldn’t have said that. She looked at me like she was going to eat me now.

“ Thought you were a directioner for life but nooooooooo… You can be such a wanker sometimes. Now get up and make me some breakfast like you promised to do last night since you lost at our game evening!” Crap, I almost forgot.

I got up and walked towards the bathroom. As I looked in the mirror I saw how terrible I looked today. My hair was a mess and I had a very pale face. As I washed my face, I looked closer to the mirror and saw that I lost some weight again. This isn’t good for me at all because I’m a skinny person that want’s to gain wait, not lose! I took a hairbrush out of the tray and started to get my hair done. It fell in natural light brown waves but eventually I decided to but it up in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth and walked to my closet to take me some clothes for today. Some black tights, a short, a grey Hollister sweater and some vans. Ready to make my sis some breakfast!



Since there wasn’t enough bacon left to make breakfast for me to ( Because Letizia ate all of the darn meat ), I walked over to the store around the corner. Cali was quite boring as usual so I started singing ‘Live While We’re Young’ by One Direction. I lost the Plot at the end of the song which made me dance like a weirdo. There were a lot of people staring at me like I wasn’t from this planet but who cares?!

 “Let’s get crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun” I heard someone singing along as he passed me by.

It was a curly boy I guess because he was wearing a hoodie but some tiny curls appeared. He was also wearing some awkward sunglasses so I couldn’t see him very well. It was autumn so why the dark tainted sunglasses?

I wasn’t paying attention in front of me anymore because of this boy which made me do the most  embarrassing thing EVER: bumping into a pole whom made me fall on my back and everything turned black.




‘I slept like a daisy’ I thought to myself while I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes which started to clear my view.

Huh?! This isn’t my room? What happened to my simple bed, wooden closet and my old couch? All I could see or feel now was a very comfortable bed, a beautiful white closet and a brand new cream colored couch.  I looked up and saw a gorgeous lamp that brightened up the whole room with it’s warm colour. 

“Good morning, Lovely” I heard a familiar voice but where did I know it from?

Who am I lying next to?! And what happened after I hit the ground?!

i hope you enjoyed it a little :) Don't forget to tell me your opinion and if i need to keep writing or not :)

Lot's of love!

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