Making an Entrance

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Nelson and Anora zoomed out of cave floating in the air for a few moments and landing on the road and headed straight back towards Cincinnati. He finally slowed down to a reasonable speed. "That was pretty awesome," Anora said, breathing heavily and blushing wildly. "Hell yea," he agreed, impressed at his car. It was faster than he imagined. "I'm happy for you," she said. "Thank you."
     They drove around town for a bit, enjoying the last of the cool winter sun before the moon emerged to replace it. They talked about how Anora loved the city lights and the cool weather, and her favorite spots around town. Eventually she gave him her address so he could GPS to her house. She began to doze off, and by the time they got there she had fallen asleep. He thought she was beautiful sleeping, snoring just lightly. "Hey, Anora," he said softly, gently tapping her shoulder. She smiled as she woke up and her eyes met his. He shied away from her gaze as his heart seemed to skip a few beats. "I enjoyed myself," she said contently, with a yawn. "Anytime," he replied. "Anytime?" She echoed, "How about tomorrow? I need to get my car back from that abandoned building." She giggled softly. "I just... really wanted to ride with you," I really want you to ride me, He thought, but out loud he only replied with, "You don't even have to ask. When do you want me to come get you?" Anora stared thoughtfully at him. He loved the beautiful shade of green that her eyes were, but he was also too shy to stare at her eyes, and he found himself unable to keep eye contact. Playing with her hair nervously, Anora suggested, "Why don't I call you when I'm ready?" He felt that tingly feeling in his belly going wild as he heard what she said. "Um... like you mean like.. phone numbers and stuff..?" She nodded, blushing a bit. "I mean who am I to stop you?" Anora smiled and shuffled nervously with a piece of paper in her hand. It already had writing on it. "Just text me so I have your number," she said. "Did you plan this out?" He asked curiously. She smiled shyly. "I'll see you tomorrow," she merely said, stepping out of his car. "Don't forget where I live," she said suggestively as she walked up to her door. He smiled dreamily at her until she walked inside.

He woke up the next day a bit excited. He put on extra cologne, wore another particularly tight shirt, and grabbed his Assault Rifle. He made a mental note to learn how to use it in secret as soon as he had chance to. Strapping it to his back, he began to walk down the stairs and sit in the living room for a few moments, then started pacing around anxiously. He felt like he and Anora were making progress. He was happy but also nervous because he had never gotten close to a girl before. Especially one that he thought was really attractive. He didn't want to mess anything up. That was when Kelly and Samuel came upstairs from the kitchen, holding food in their hands. Kelly also had something else in her hand that he couldn't quite recognize, and a smirk on her face. "Hey Nelson. You ready?" Samuel asked, taking a bite out of his burger. "You don't want to eat?" "I'm just kinda.. my mind is occupied," he said, "I want to be ready to get Anora when she calls." "You and Anora are getting pretty close," Kelly commented. Nelson nodded, smiling shyly. "Man good for you," Samuel said with a smile, taking another bite. "She's been talking about you allot," Kelly told him with a wry smile, "So I'm glad you two are being smart." Nelson raised an eyebrow. "It's okay we don't judge," Samuel said, "At least you're gonna have safe sex." Nelson gaped when he realized the other object in Kelly's hand had been the condoms Estavon and Javen had given him. He forgot that he had tried to hide it under the couch. She tossed them to him. He fumbled with the box, almost dropping it. "Be gentle with her," Kelly said firmly. "She's a virgin, but she probably won't admit it to you." "That's awesome!" Samuel said excitedly at Nelson, "You're a virgin too!" "Not exactly information I go sharing around man," Nelson said awkwardly. "Did you tell her..?" He asked nervously. Kelly winked at him. Just then his phone vibrated. It was Anora calling. He swallowed anxiously. "Uh... yes hello?" He stammered. "Heyyyyy," Anora said through the phone. "You sleep good?" "Yeah.. I-it was pretty nice," he replied. "I'll bet," she said, her voice having an interesting edge to it. That deep feminine edge. It made him so hot and bothered. Samuel and Kelly watched him with clear amusement in their faces. "I think now is a good time to come and get me," she said, "Mr. XXL." Nelson froze. "Y-yeah..." he stuttered, "A-Anora.. I can..." "I'll see you here," she said suggestively before hanging up. Ohhhhhh my goodness, he thought worriedly. I am gonna have a heart attack. Kelly winked at him. "Go get her Tiger," she said slyly. Samuel chuckled as Nelson awkwardly nodded and headed out to go get her.
She was already outside when he got to her house, and Charles standing in the door. He pulled up and invited her in. "Hay, Nelson," she said smiling at him. "Hi," he shyly replied.
He couldn't believe Kelly had told Anora about the condoms. As she closed the door and let the window down, he heard Charles call from the door with a childish grin, "SHE'S A VIRGIN!!" Anora rolled her eyes blushing, flipping her brother off. "Let's go," she said, looking down. He drove off, and with her help, found his way to where she'd parked. She had been awkwardly quiet. "Thanks," She said, her hair obscuring her face. Nelson nodded and went down to meet with the Commander, who both gave him his official government badge, and told them where the HQ of California was, in Sacramento. They agreed to meet at an airport. Samuel kept the alien artifact in his corvette. He sat next to Anora on the plane, who while still seemed to be extra shy, still lay on his shoulder when she dozed off.
They eventually arrived there, and before long, a tall blonde guy in a suit with long scraggly hair tied up in a man bun and and beard approached them. "May we help you?" Samuel asked him. "Are y'all with Commander Moren?" The guy's country accent threw them off. "Uh, Yes." Samuel replied. Why'd he say his name like that? Nelson thought humorously, Moren? He indicated they follow him towards a limousine, which they all got in. They were lead to a hotel, which they arrived to a night. "Is it hidden in the hotel?" Nelson asked curiously. The blonde guy shook his head. "We ain't got no room fer ya. The boss is gettin' ready a funeral. I'll come tomorrer an get y'all to come 'n see it. Then he'll talk to ya." "Um... alright," Samuel said. "Thanks." "Yep." They got out, and the limousine pulled off. Carrying their respective backpacks, they entered the hotel for a room. "What a strange guy," Samuel said to them. "I agree," Nelson nodded. Anora remained silent, hands in her pockets. Samuel, with a glance at them, smiled wryly as he approached the counter. "One room for me," he said. He turned to them and winked. Nelson smiled awkwardly, and Anora stared at the ground. When Samuel was done, Anora spoke up for the first time since their departure. "Um.. two bedroom.. for us," she said, indicating she and Nelson would be sharing a room. Samuel smiled proudly at Nelson as they finished their transaction. They got on the elevator, only going their separate ways on the fourth floor. Anora was still oddly quiet. Once they were inside, they saw there were two beds, one next to the window, and the other on the other side. A bathroom was across from the window side bed. She sat her stuff on one of the beds, away from the window. He assumed she was sleeping there, so he took the other one. To his surprise, she went over to his bed and sat down. "What are you thinking?" Nelson asked her, "You've been kinda quiet for a while." Anora played with her hair nervously, staring out the window. After a moment, she looked at him. "I really like you.." she said, blushing and looking away from him. "It's just kinda weird for me.. I'm not a very.. open person.." she shuffled awkwardly. "I really want to know more about this.. XXL thing," she said, "But.. I'm nervous.." "I'm nervous too." He said with a shy smile. "I've never even.." Anora looked off embarrassingly to the California night lights. "Maybe we should wait a little bit..?" Nelson nodded. "Of course," he said. He was hoping she would want to wait. He didn't even know how to have sex. "Um..." she scratched her head awkwardly. "Um. Would you like to cuddle?" Nelson nodded, and they lay down together, watching gaming videos on her phone until they fell asleep. She smells good, we're his last thought that night before he passed out.
He woke up to Anora shaking him softly, and the smell of pancakes. "Wake up," She said softly. "That weird guy is here." She handed him half eaten pancakes. Nelson stared at her with amusement. "I'm sorry, those were supposed to be yours," she said with a small smile, "But I figured you wouldn't have time to eat it all. So I helped you out." She grinned playfully. Nelson chuckled before accepting the food. He normally didn't eat after people at all, but he had a gigantic crush on Anora, and he wanted to. "Thank you kindly," he said, eating the surprisingly good pancakes. She smiled warmly at him.
     They met the blonde guy down at the limousine, who didn't have much to say at all. Anora sat allot closer to him to this time. Samuel gave Nelson a congratulatory thumbs up. He smiled shyly, but he felt uneasy. He had a bad feeling in his stomach. When they arrived to the church where the funeral was being held, the guy pointed to a black guy dressed in all black Military attire. He must be in charge of the E.E.D. HQ here. They got out to meet him at the entrance to the church. "Hello," The guy said, "I'm General Major Jonny Fenderson. Pleasure to meet you." They all three saluted him respectfully saluted him. "I understand this funeral was last minute,"  he said, "And I apologize for the inconvenience. My son was killed by another kind of... them..." he pointed up towards the sky. "What do you mean sir?" Samuel asked, "Are there more than one kind?" Fenderson nodded, trying to maintain his composure. "I'll debrief you as soon as it's over. Please seat yourselves wherever you please. Thank you for coming." "Yessir," The three of them replied.
     They sat in the middle row, Samuel on the end, followed by Nelson, than Anora beside him. People were crying everywhere, and they were the only ones not dressed in all black. A short black woman made her way solemnly to the front, I front of the casket. GM Fenderson stood beside her, standing tall, his eyes red. "Go ahead, mama," he said to the woman, doing his best to maintain his composure. "This is so sad," Samuel whispered to them, frowning. "I feel terrible. This is why I hate aliens so much.." 
     Wiping tears from her face, the lady shakily began, "Thank you all for coming... including you all from his job.." she looked at Samuel, Anora, and  Nelson, who all nodded respectfully - "I just wanted to say my goodbyes to my grand baby..." she sniffled a bit, before continuing, "He was just barely older than ten... he had a lot of friends in school... he was getting ready to start his first sport... he had... a bright future.." she struggled to maintain her composure. She noticed GM Fenderson shaking ever so slightly as he stood there tall, a single tear streaming down his face. "Stay strong honey," she said to him, "You can do this.." she wiped the tear from his face, and Nelson thought his lip quivered a bit, but the General Major held it in. "He was murdered in cold blood..." The woman continued, "Lord knows he didn't deserve it... he was going to be a nice young man..." she took a deep breath. "He may have taken his life from this earth.. but he will live on forever.. in our memories, and in our hearts." "Amen," most of the church responded, a few of them crying to hard to speak. This is fucking terrible. He thought sadly.
    "Soon, he won't be living in your hearts or memories either," a voice suddenly said, entering the church by kicking the doors open. They all immediately turned around to see who it was. Nelson couldn't believe it. He had bright red irises, and held a giant machine gun that looked like it could hold at least one hundred rounds. "That's the bastard!!!" The GM exclaimed angrily. "He's possessed!!!" The woman screamed pointing. "Just call me El Diablo," Jose said with an evil grin. "GET DOWN!!" Samuel exclaimed as Jose open fired on the church.

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