Chapter 6

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I need to find a bathroom.

During the whole class, Hobi kept showing me hijab tutorials that he thinks I should try. He even took off his jacket and tried to do one with it.
Finally, the class ended and I'm able to escape for 5 minutes until the next class which I have with him.

"I just don't understand why you always wear dark scarfs. I mean hijabs. Like why not the cute ones? There are like flowery ones, right? Where do you get them from? Are they just normal scarfs? Do they become hijabs once you put them on your head? You know, the same way people turn into werewolves when there's a full moon," he trails and trails and trails as I speed walk through the halls with him following behind me.

There it is.
Found it.

"I need to use the restroom," I say while walking towards them.

"Do you have to take it off when you pee?" I hear him ask as I walk faster so I don't feel like I need to answer him.

Finally, I'm safe.

I scan the restroom and see that its empty except for one stall.

Someone is in it.

Oh well.

I take off my hijab to adjust it. I also undo my bun to fix it and get it in place.

Hobi kept pulling on it and promising that he'll keep his eyes closed if I just let him try and put it on for me.

Just as soon as my hair gets out of my tight messy bun, a boy walks out of the stall.

He's tall, thin, and?

And eating an onion?

Like he's just taking bites out of it while it still has the peel on it.

"What? You never seen an onion before?" He says with a low raspy voice.

I immediately run to the stall he was just in and fix my hair and hijab.

I wait a while and before I get out, I look under the door to see any feet and notice there aren't any.

I get out thinking the coast is clear, but then is proven wrong when I see the same boy sitting on top of the sink eating a red onion this time.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask with a scrunched up face.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Why are you here?"

"This is a gender-neutral bathroom."

"No, it is not," I say knowing full well it isn't. 

"Oh really? Couldn't really see with my watery eyes. Oh, wanna see something cool?"

Before I could answer, he gets off the sink and pulls up his sleeve showing me two birthmarks.
He then pinches the space in between them.

"Elephant," he says with a rectangular smile the exits out of the bathroom as if nothing happened.

I can't even meet girls in the girls' bathroom.

All I wanted was some peace.

This is seriously so frustrating. Like why can't I just get this test over with?

The worst part is that Hobi is probably outside the hall waiting to ask me more questions.

Just as I exited the bathroom, I heard screams.

I turn and see Hobi throwing desks at the boy from earlier.

"WHAT THE HECK HYUNG?!?!" The boy shouts while ducking the desks.

"YOU SAW HER HAIR THAT'S WHAT!!!! NOW I HAVE TO KILL YOU SO YOU DON'T MARRY HER!!" Hobi explains while going into a class to get more desks.

See now any normal guy would take this opportunity to get away, but this boy just stayed in place looking scared.

After 30 seconds, the bell rang.

"Ok Hyung I'm going to class. We can finish this some other time I'm tired," the boy yawns while walking away.

I go in the class to see what Hobi is doing and notice him searching on the web 'Muslim divorce'.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"V is weird. I don't want you marrying him. I understand he's hot and all but trust me, he's soo strange," he says as if he's normal.

"I'm not marrying him silly," I say with a slight chuckle.

"But he saw your hair," he says while looking up at me.

"So? It was on accident," I say with a shrug.

"Can I accidentally see your hair? I promise ill forget. I swear ill marry you if I don't. As a matter of fact, I probably won't forget."

"Please leave me alone," I say while turning around.

"Don't forget you already agreed to the date!" He shouts as I make my way out.

After that, I just left and tried to find my class based on my memory from yesterday.

2 days and all this has happened.
Alhamdulillah, this is my last year.

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