Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Barry laid in a pool of his sweat on the mat in his training room as he rolled over and pushed himself back to his feet. For almost month he had been training against multiple enemies and once he could take that number, he was forced back to his feet to fight a group one larger. Right now, he was finishing his final fight against 4 of the Alzilal at the same time without his powers, and he had never fought harder. Through extremely rare and almost impossible techniques to master coupled with his own invented skills he was able to fight this many expert enemies at once.

As soon as he had risen to his feet he rolled left to avoid a sharp long blade of the spear one of his opponents was wielding that would have cleaved his head in two, rising to his feet he engaged the spear wielder without respite and disarmed him pushing him away with the shaft of his own weapon whilst withholding a death blow with it to signal that he was out. Without any time to recover Barry was forced into a low drop as he spun with his leg out under a lightning fast swing of a short sword, his leg kicking the legs out from under his opponent as Barry once again withheld a blow to the neck. He then made short work of the two other opponents having mastered both fighting two at once separately as well as using them to inconvenience each other giving him the ability to easily dispatch them and move on if required.

After finishing his fight, he made his way to the dining room in which he had eaten with Nyssa and Oliver every night since their arrival. As they ate the food, which was an expertly cook wild boar, they discussed the training he had done so far. Barry had successfully defeated 15 assassins, that weren't the Alzilal, simultaneously and as he had just proven he could take care of four Alzilal at once. Furthermore, in previous training with his powers in fighting he had been able to defeat the entirety of the League of Assassins when they all fought out on the fields in front of the palace. In training with Oliver Barry now knew he had surpassed at least Mach 70, he was able to reach such speeds in only a matter of a few hundred meters, due to his strength training he could now lift a large boulder and throw it almost 25 meters, he could also strike such a boulder from a stand still and break it into a few pieces with only minimal fracturing to his knuckles that given his increased powers he could heal almost instantaneously.

During dinner Nyssa had decided that she had trained his combat capabilities to the peak potential that was beyond what even she thought to be possible and therefore decided he would now work on somehow stopping the anti-speed machines whilst continuing his work with Oliver. Barry was happy that the rigorous training was done and that he had done all he could in that area to best Zolomon and was looking forward to trying to work out the machines and their weaknesses but also knew that his training with Oliver was only likely to become tougher. On a more morbid note Barry also saw this as the approaching of Zoom, Nyssa had also taught him meditation and the arts of controlling your mind and as a result Barry had come to accept that this would be his last fight and that no matter what, he would defeat Zoom, to protect those few he had left and all other innocents who may otherwise be harmed, also not that others knew but he did it to protect Kara from ever having to face such a monstrosity.

Retiring to his room Barry prepared himself for the continuation of his training whilst his joints groaned, and muscles throbbed in protest.

Time skip 15 days

Barry had been working at overcoming the speed dampeners for over two weeks and had come up with very little beyond hitting them hard enough that they shattered. After a week at looking at all the science behind the devices he had found that they emitted particles that reacts with the energy he produces using his speed, using the energy before he can channel it into speed, basically they would tap into the speedforce when he tried, after figuring this out he tried to find a solution but couldn't come up with something that didn't require him using a temperamental device to counteract it that he'd rather not rely on.

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