Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


As Oliver arrived on the roof of one of the tallest high-rises in the city, offering a breathtaking view of the lit-up night skyline expanding across the horizon, he found Barry sitting on the edge of the roof and approached without trying to conceal himself, knowing Barry would know he was there regardless.

"Oliver. What brings you here?" Barry asked from where he was seated on the edge of the roof with his feet dangling over the 1200ft drop.

Oliver sat next to Barry and turned to him, "Talk to me. Anyone can see you're going through a lot."

Barry gave out a half-grunt, half-chuckle sound at Oliver's oversimplification of the disaster his life had struck. "Look at me Oliver, I'm not Barry, I'm not The Flash, I have nothing left to be. The team, my work as The Flash, being a CSI, that was who I was, and I have none of it anymore. Sure, I could probably get my CSI job back, but it just wouldn't be the same. I used to always focus on the light at the end of the tunnel and it seems like the end of the tunnel just caved in." Barry spoke solemnly.

"I know you lost what defined you, but you can rebuild yourself, become something new. I'm not telling you to forget, just don't let it stop you, if you keep moving forwards the rest will sort itself out."
"That's the thing Oliver. I feel like I had my shot, it was going great, but I fumbled and now my chance is over. I don't want to try again, it's hard enough to get up in the morning and the only thing I'm left holding onto is beyond my reach."
"What do you mean, 'beyond your reach'? What's the only thing left?"
Barry huffed in response, "You wouldn't believe me, sometimes I don't think it's true either."
"Try me, I've seen enough shit, I'll judge for myself."
"Well, before my father was killed by Zoom and everything started to fall apart, we had just constructed a tachyon device that we could use to largely increase my speed back then. We took it for a test run and I felt euphoric, I was so fast I finally had hope to defeat Zoom, I'd lost myself in the feeling of running so fast that by the time I noticed the portal forming in front of me, it was too late. And so, the next thing I know I'm on a different Earth, catching a young women who was falling out a window." Barry went on to explain what had transpired on Earth-38.

"So, you're telling me that you travelled to another universe and on that Earth, you befriended a super powerful alien superhero called Supergirl? What, and then you teamed up to take down some bad guys before skipping on back home like you went out for some groceries?" Oliver asked, somewhat bewildered.

"Pretty much." Barry responded, within a fit of laughter. It was good to see Barry laugh, as he hadn't in so long, although none of the happiness reached his eyes and it all sounded so hollow and empty.

"That's not all. I think I may be falling in love with Supergirl, she was so nice and bright, she made me feel more free than I ever have before. The thought of her was one of the only things that has gotten me through the past few months. When I'm stuck here, I just feel like everything I wanted is locked away from me and anything I can make here will just be a vain attempt at grasping something I'll never have."
"What's the big barrier between the two of you, if it's a tachyon device you need to get to her then I'm sure with your super-genius-brain you can remake it. If you know what you want, don't wait around and let it all pass you by."
"You don't get it Oliver. She's the perfect hero, the perfect person and maybe I had a chance in what felt like my last life, but now? Look at me, I'm broken, I'm not a hero, I destroyed my city. Why would she even want me? She could be with whoever she wants, I doubt she's ever going to be available, and definitely not for me."
"You need to stop underestimating yourself Barry. You're still the same person you were before, you've just got a few more cuts and scrapes, those wounds will close one day, I know that because you are the strongest person I will ever know. Now tell me, where do you want to be when all's said and done? Here, still trying to make the life you could have in vain, or with this girl who you're obviously in love with?"
"I-I... Oliver, I don't know what to do. I can't just leave this world and move to another, expecting her to love me the way I am right now."
"Yes you can, you can do whatever you want when you put your mind to it Barry Allen because that's who you are. You're going to go to this other Earth and you're going to be your best self, and if this girl knows anything, she'll know you're the best person she'll ever find."
"Are you sure? I don't want to abandon you."
"You won't be abandoning us; you'll be moving next door and I'm sure you'll find time to make a house call once in a while."
"..." Barry was pondering what he should do, not sure if he was capable of just leaving this world behind, "Ok then, I'll do it. But Oliver, if you ever need me, I'll make sure you can call, and I'll come straight away. I owe you everything I have; I would never have beaten Zoom without you."
"I don't know about that but promise me one thing, try and leave all of this behind you, leave the suit that defines who you have become and create a new you. The best version of yourself."
"I'll try Oliver, thank you. You will always be the brother I never had." Standing from where they were sitting the two embraced in a tight hug, expressing the emotions that they couldn't put into words.

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