Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Kara woke up to the warm, late morning sunlight that drifted through the window and caressed her bare arms in a warmth that made her feel safe and at peace, as it had ever since she arrived on this planet. Unfortunately, as she awakened, the light didn't feel so warm, as if there was some greater warmth that she was longing for. Without bothering to open her eyes, she reached out across the bed in search for this untold warmth, only to be met with an almost faded warmth that seeped from the mattress.

Groaning, Kara opened her eyes slowly and her senses fully awakened only to be bombarded with the raging noises of the already bustling city that she had come to call home. It was a few moments before she could reign in her senses to the point where all she heard clearly was movement emanating from what seemed to be her apartment's kitchen. Lifting herself up on her elbows she peered through the wall and a face-splitting smile broke out across her face as she saw her boyfriend at work in the kitchen on what seemed to be a breakfast feast for an army.

Racing out of bed she soon appeared in the kitchen only to catch the blur that moved over to lean upon the bench as the last of the plated feast was placed on the table. Catching sight of Barry as he leaned against the counter with a cocky, playful smile that silently boasted how he had prepared all of breakfast before she came out, brought an even larger smile to Kara's face as she zoomed forward and tackled Barry in a quick kiss before rushing to the table and stacking a ridiculous portion of her food atop her plate before drowning it in syrup.

Barry had been equally gleeful as he saw the frazzled Kara emerge from her room as he wore his victorious smirk and raced over to the table to join her as she sat at the table. The pair shared the meal happily, sharing few words and plentiful glances at one another that they believed the other hadn't caught onto, the two sharing the respite from the havoc that had been the past few days.

Kara had only found herself feeling better as she sat back with a full stomach, at least for now, seeing that Barry was looking to have made a full and impossibly fast recovery already from the recent event, even if she would still worry over him for the foreseeable future. She found herself looking at her life and realising that she couldn't imagine what it would be had Barry not been there, regardless of the result against Non and his army, she felt that this is what her life should be, here, with Barry.

After the two finished their food they got onto discussing what they had to do for the rest of the day, Barry insisting that he was well enough to leave the apartment. It had been decided that Barry would first set up the multiversal communication device that he had brought with him, in Kara's apartment, away from where the DEO or military could obtain it, and fine tune it to function between the two Earths. It had taken some time for Barry to explain it to Kara as she had been interested in how it worked, being able to keep up given the advanced level of education that she had received back on Krypton. Whilst Kara hadn't been able to follow it all, by the time Barry had finished setting the device up whilst explaining it to Kara, she had quite a solid understanding of the sciences behind it even if she didn't know the complex details.

From there the two had decided it would be important to construct his identity on this Earth and a proper backstory for Barry, Kara insisting that they get Winn's help, also wanting to make sure Barry felt at home here and had more than just her. Since Barry had come Kara had been quite worried, especially whilst he was injured and she had, had time to think. Now that her dreams of Barry returning came true, Kara was plagued with thoughts of him leaving or dying, fearing losing those closest to her as she had since she had lost her first home.

Whilst Barry had wanted to race Kara there, as they had done around the city on his last visit, he had been unable to resist Kara's pleading look as she insisted that she would carry him as she was still worried over his health. Soon enough the pair had arrived at Winn's apartment and met with Winn who guided them inside, Barry faltering slightly as the scene reminded him of the apartment that Cisco had used to own that he had crashed at so often when they played video games into the early morning together.

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