Sickness Overtake

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When I had woken up. I found myself still in Jack's arms. His black hair was getting more and more white, im not quite sure whats happening with him i just hope its good. In the story book Anna gave me at first his hair was white and his eyes were blue. I believe this will be good, maybe there is a cure. Suddenly I started having a radic cough attack, I had never had one like this. I started coughing up blood so quickly I broke free from Jack's hold and ran to the bathroom. There was a sharp pain feeling into my chest that brought me to my knees. I started gasping for air, it was like pounds was on my lungs pushing down harder and harder. There was a knock at my door and they started opening the door. "G-go awa-y!" I tried scrambling out. Without thinking I froze the door so they couldn't get in. "Elsa let me in now!" It was Jack he couln't see me this way. I gathered strength to boost my self up and thats when I seen it. In the mirror, my hair was starting to lose color and my skin was getting a pale grey. I coughed more and more losing blood out of my mouth. What was happening to me, I was so focused on my body I didn't notice that Jack had bursted through the door. "Elsa!" He cried out, he turned me around facing him taking my hands in his. "Whats happening to me J-Jack?" I was getting colder and colder. He must have known because he picked me up held me tightly and carried me back into the bedroom. "Its all gonna be fine snowflake i promise!" Did he just call me snowflake? Nobody has ever given me a name before, it made me smile. "Thats right keep smiling thats all I want you to do right now ok?" He said wrapping blanket after blanket around me "tell you what once we get you back to being healthy i'll take you somewhere special and help you get your powers under control." "W-what?" I stuttered but thats when I noticed. I was making ice cicles form from the walls and sealings with extremely sharp points. Snow started falling down slowly as I got scared. "It's ok. Its ok" Jack said climbing in bed pulling me to his lap. Slowly he started rubbing up and down my back holding me tight. I glared up into his eyes and couldnt resist, I kissed him softly on the lips and that made me feel calm. "Jack?" I asked, "yes my snow queen?" He replied. "Whats happening?" I said. There was a long silent moment, I think he was thinking but I wasnt for sure. "I don't know but I will take you to see some of my old friends they will know. As of right now we need to get you something to eat so it can help you be strong right now." He finally said. "Ok my guardian." I didn't realize what I had called him, he looked down at me blushing. "Guardian?" He questioned. "Um yes. You are my guardian your protecting me right now and trying to make me feel better." I replied. He smiled and said "cmon lets go down to the kitchen, you need something to eat."

We headed down a long flight of stairs, Jack had givin me one of his hoodies. It was a navy blue that had actual frost and snow on it. It was pretty warm wearing it. I was concentrating on how warm I was when I didn't see where I was walking. "Watch it snowflake!" Jack giggled as he stopped me before i walked straight into a corner. "Thank you So much" I said startled looking back at the corner. He took my hand in his and never let go. It made me feel good, down the stairs was a long hallway filled with pictures. Pictures of what seemed to be some of Jack's old friends. There was a tall man in a red coat and had a beard. Another was a tall rabbit with boomeranges. In another picture was a small golden man made out of sand standing next to what looked to be like a fairy. All the wat down the hallway was pictures of them. I wonder who they are. "Here we are" he said opening up a room. It had a long table that had a fire place behind it. "Wow this place is amazing!" I said excitingly. He gave a warming stair and pulled out a chair. "Wait right here i'll be back with food." He kissed my head and left once more. Im so lucky Jack saved me, if he was in that situation I would save him. But something else had crossed my mind. Was me and him together now? From the kiss, holding hands, sleeping together, everything? Amazing thoughts filled my head as A smile creeped across my face. I loved Jack, my heart was set on it! "Im back snowflake!" I hear him call out carring a large tray full of food. He set it down on the table in front of me, im pretty sure he had brought every piece of food that was in the kitchen. "You do know im not eating all of this right?" I asked laughing. "Well duh im going to help you eat it!" Jack said back in a sarcastic way. He sat down next to me and we both dug into the mountain high of food in front of us. Once we had finished I couln't move i was so stuffed. "You need to go take a shower and get ready, we are going to visit some old friends of mine today to check out your illness" he said coming up behind me and helps me up. "Jack who are your old friends" i sooke as we walked back. "Theyre the guardians. They watch out over children of the world protecting them." He said back. He handed me some clothes out of our room real fast "when your ready we will go visit them and figure out whats happening I promise." He said then leaned in for a long kiss. After we broke away I decided to go get ready. I was nervous to meet his old friends.

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