Letter Two

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To whom it may concern.

Hi again, it's me Cain. Welcome back to I guess another feelings dump. It's been a while since I last wrote. After reviewing what I wrote a month ago, I decided that this is an appropriate time to talk about school and how it correlates to the topic I'm discussing with you today.

As I mentioned previously, school starts soon. That being said there are certain elements that have been a stressor. Money is the biggest one frankly. It feels like no amount of money is enough in this world. I don't exactly have a stable job either, but I'll save this for another day.

A lot of people go to school, however that's a very broad definition that I should clarify. I'm going to college this fall. I tried before, gave up halfway through, and decided that I needed to get out of this shitty town before I tried again. That's what I'm doing, hopefully it works out.

That being said, I haven't really had a stable job in a while. Most places don't want a young person with no degree of some kind here. For most jobs. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that I'm in a world where I'm constantly at a disadvantage. I finally thought things were turning around when someone had asked me to do an art commission for them.

I was excited too, they're a streamer, and that's really cool to me. However last night they basically all but cancelled, telling me that they found someone else, but thanks anyway for my hard work. Not gonna lie, that kinda crushed me.

I thought I finally had a chance to prove myself. A chance to do something cool. But then to just sort of be shoved aside like that? It kinda hurt.

That being said, there's always next time I guess. Eventually, I want to make a game. That's my actual goal. I want to create a world and a story that's enticing and interactive. But then I worry, would people like it? Would they actually play it?

..Am I just a waste of time and air?

I can't really afford to do anything risky right now.. I need to stop thinking about this. My therapist tells me I should right letters of things that I need to read to feel good about myself. But that's the most difficult thing to ask of me. I struggle to think about good things about myself. It's not easy,

Thank you for reading,


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