Baby I need you

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Jasmine passed out about an hour into the drive giving me a little alone time to think to myself. I kept asking myself the same questions over and over again. WHY ME? WHAT DID I DO SO WRONG? WHERE IS JR? These questions hunted me leaving me confused and frustrated I needed answers, I needed to know why. I run my fingers through my tangled hair as I pull out my pack of cigarettes, not wanting to bother Jasmine with the smell I pull over into an empty parking lot and get out of the car quietly closing the door behind me.

I walk a good little distance before stopping. I pull out a cigg and light that bitch up. I Inhale the smoke letting it linger in my mouth for a little bit before exhaling, I really needed this. I let my mind wander trying not to think about the worst but some part of me couldn't help but to think of the worst. I quickly snap out of my daze when I hear my phone ring. I answer with no hesitation.

"Hello?!" I answer anxiously.

"Stop looking for Marco if you know what's good for you and your son bitch" a deep male voice threatens on the other end of the phone before hanging up.

I look down at my phone with trembling hands wondering what the fuck just happened. The only person i could think of was Curtis bitch ass. What did I do so wrong to make him hate me like this?! Was it because I rejected him? Was it because he was jealous of Marco? Fuck I don't know I curse to myself pacing back and fourth.

"Vanessa? Are you okay?" Jasmine semi yells poking her head out of the car looking worried.

"Yea I'm fine..just stopped for a smoke break" I yelled back telling only half of the truth.

"Will its cold, I'll be in the car if u need me" Jasmine replied before closing the door.


"Bitch you stupid" I yell into the phone cracking up at Vicky's crazy pregnant ass.

"Bitch I'm foreal..shit ain't nobody playing, that bitch had me fucked up!" Vicky replied between laughs.

"Your a hot mess! But aye I'm going to call you back boo okay?" I respond looking out the window at Vanessa.

"I'm probably gonna be fucking girl Bryan gets back in town tonight and you already know how that be so I'll text you" Vicky responds causing me to laugh one more time before hanging up on her nasty ass.

I watch Vanessa as she paces back in fourth talking to her self. She's been out there for a good minute and at first i gave her, her space but enough is enough I need to see what's wrong with my girl.

I ease my way out of the car softly shutting the door behind me.

"Vanessa?" I call out stuffing my hands in my pockets, it was colder than a bitch out here today.

"Yea? I'm coming" she quickly replied throwing out her cigarette and walking towards the car.

I watched her concerned for her well-being. I know this shit wasn't easy to deal with especially not alone that's why it was important for me to be here for my girl no matter the cost.

" Are you okay Girl? I mean I know your not but I feel like something is bothering you and your not telling me" I confessed

"I'm fine girl, just ready to find my son and hold him again I really miss him Jasmine" Vanessa admits getting teary eyed.

"I know ma, let it all out we are going to find Jr I promise" I replied determined, pulling her into my chest as she cried her little heart out.

"I love you Jasmine I really do" Vanessa admits between sobs.

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