Sometimes I still couldn't believe curtis was dead, it still didn't seem real especially since I was the one who did it.
I stared out of our hotel window deep in thought.
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I definitely needed this vacation even though I knew it wouldn't change how I felt inside, it wouldn't stop me from constantly looking over my shoulder afraid curtis would be there..waiting.
The thought alone sent shivers down my spine.
I kept trying to remind myself that he was dead but it's like some part of me wouldn't accept it.
"Hey babe, you good?" Marco asks placing his hand on my back while rubbing it.
I jumped, lately I been on edge.
"Hey babe...I'm okay I was just getting some air." I respond not in the mood to talk about my problems right now.
He looked at me with sorrow filled eyes.
He still blamed himself for everything that went down starting from the first time Curtis Kidnapped Jr leading up to his death.
Part of me wanted to blame him too but I knew that I couldn't. In reality it wasn't his fault, no one could control Curtis or his behavior.
It was going to happen sooner or later.
"Has she called again?" I asked him dreading the answer.
He sighed heavily, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, She won't stop until she gets answers...The answers I don't have for her" Marco admits with his head hung low.
His mom kept calling asking about Curtis, She said she had a "Bad feeling".
She was becoming a headache I didn't need.
Jr came running out of one of the rooms butt naked with my mom not too far behind him.
"Stop Jr before you pee everywhere !" my mom yells running after him.
Jr runs over to me top speed and starts climbing up my leg.
I laughed picking him up and handing him to my mom so that she could finish changing him.
"Be good" Me and Marco said at the same time.
I laid my head on Marco's chest as I listened to his heartbeat, I loved him more than I ever have now that everything has happened.
I guess you can say it was an eye opener, almost losing him more than once was a lot and it made me realize how much I really love this man.
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