End of Teenage

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At Nineteen
I have realized something.
Even if the teenage ends
Don't mean the constant monitoring goes away.
Still getting scolded for coming home late,
And now I can't even go out in the sun and play.
Random strangers ask my hand for marriage,
But my mother won't even give me my personal space.
Having so many rational thoughts but still hearing you need to grow a lot.
Kids have Started calling me "Aunty"
Looking up to me,
Thinking I have achieved success in life
But little do they know, their life is more sorted than mine
Thinking about further studies, while binge-watching TV
Feeling eager for my future while the present slips away.
Don't know if this is a phase or my personality.
Because everyone around me is the same.

Studying has become a necessity
While internships have become a winning piece
In the holy book of my future career called the resume.
Looking at the actors of my age, having their own mark in the hall of fame,
While I struggle and sit at home,
Counting my achievements to avoid inner shame.
Choosing between friendship
Partnership to win the race of life.
While regretting every choice, I make.
This is the last year of my teenage,
But it feels like I am a lost thirteen-year-old again.

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