Chapter One

685 31 24

Warnings: slight injury, f-bomb
Word Count:
3 593

Huffing in annoyance, you brushed a strand out of your face, leaning against the harsh wind that blew heavy drops of rain across the city. It had been blazing hot for the past few weeks, and most parks resembled deserts rather than the green oasis they were supposed to be. And of course you were happy for the change in weather, but why did this have to be on your way to the office? Now you would have to wear wet trousers for the rest of the day. Great.

An extra strong gust of wind blew the hood of your rain jacket off, making you curse under your breath. Reaching for it, to pull it back up, you brushed the newly cut, short hair at the side of your head. It had been a brave choice, to have one side of your otherwise long hair shaved off, but the new look made you feel so much more like yourself, and you did not regret this decision in the least.

Just when you had pulled the hood up again, and tied a knot into the strings that made sure it would stay in place, something hit you hard in the shoulder. Before you even managed to realise what exactly had happened, the impact send you to the floor, and you painfully landed on your hands and hip. Pain shot through the parts of your body that had collided with the floor and the man who had run into you just stormed past you, as if nothing had happened.

Embarrassment mixed with the unpleasant surprise and the stinging of the pain, causing tears to shoot into your eyes.

Hoping that nobody had seen you fall, you quickly tried to get up.

But before you had made it back to your feet, someone gripped you by the arm, and pulled you up, as if you weighted less than a feather.

Great, so much to nobody noticing, you thought, feeling the embarrassment increasing.

Looking up into the face of the person, you found a young man looking at you with an expression of great worry. A strand of blue hair stuck out from underneath the hood of his raincoat. It seemed you were not the only one who had decided to make some brave choices concerning your hairstyle.

"Are you alright," he asked in concern, his hand still resting on your upper arm, as if to make sure he could catch you, should you tumble.

"I-" trying to form a coherent thought, you looked down on your body.

The trousers were stained not only with rainwater but also with the dirt of the sidewalk. Furrowing your brows in annoyance, you focused on your hands. Your palms felt like they were burning up, and on your weak hand you had even scratched off a little bit of skin.

"I think I'm fine," you finally managed to stutter out.

"Yeah?" The young man still gave you a concerned look.

"Just a scratch," you replied and showed him your palm.

Letting go of your arm, he carefully took your hands in his to take a closer look.

"May I?"

He gave you a questioning look, and you nodded, as if the deep brown eyes that stared at you, had hypnotized you.

Quickly he pulled out a fresh handkerchief, and brushed away the little stones that had pressed into the soft skin of your hand. You flinched at the stinging the careful action caused, but he only gave you a quick, tight lipped smile before he continued cleaning your hand in the still pouring rain.

While he was busy, you had a moment to take a closer look at him. The single strand of blue hair that dangled from underneath a black raincoat hood was drenched, and drops of water dripped off the end of it.

The sudden stinging in your hand, as he pressed the by now soaked handkerchief against the scratch, brought you back into reality.

"That's all I can do for now," he apologized, but you shook your head.

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