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Word Count: 469

The rolls of your suitcase rattled over the pavement as you hurried down the street.

"Come on, hurry up," you encouraged the man behind you, "we're late already!"

"I'm literally one half of the band, sweetie, they'll not take off without us," Ryan assured, catching up with you, and taking your free hand in his.

"I wish I had your confidence, you know how Lucas is. I'd not be surprised, if they took off, and asked us to take the train, or something," you shook your head.

Ryan giggled.

"See, they're still there," he pointed to the bus that got into sight as you rounded the last corner.

"There you are," Bill pocked his head out of the still open door. "Lucas was about to have you take the train!"

"Told you so," you laughed, and handed Bill your suitcase, which he helped lifting into the bus.

"Okay, I admit it, next time we should be more on time," Ryan laughed, allowing you to help you with his suit case as well.

"They're here," Bill shouted to the front, where Lucas was sitting behind the wheel already.

"About time," he growled, and started driving, not waiting for Ryan or you to settle down.

"We? You were the one who pushed snooze like- ten times," you laughed, gently pretending to punch Ryan's arm.

"You weren't complaining about the additional cuddles though," he defended.

"Okay, so in other news, let's not push that snooze button anymore, and let's find better times for snuggles than the morning of take-off for the new tour," you summarized, making Ryan nod.

"Is the couple already fighting," Dallon asked, poking his head out from behind the curtains to the bunk bed area. "The new opening band and the two new crew members won't even know what's happening!"

"You wish we were fighting," Ryan laughed, poking his tongue out at his friend who frowned.

"Ew, rather not, the last time you weren't taking to her felt, it like you were causing the apocalypse simply because of your mood!"

Giggly, Dallon disappeared behind the curtain again, just in time to escape the pullover you had taken off in the meantime, and had thrown at him.

"So, what now, settling in," you asked, pretending the pullover incident had never happened.

"How about a 'welcome to tour as our forever-photograph'-kiss first?"

"Dunno, do I also get like... a certificate?"

Ryan rolled his eyes.

"No, certificates are only given to exceptionally good kiss receivers, but you might actually have a chance with that category," he joked.

You squeezed your eyes at him, making him laugh.

"Whatever," you decided, and pulled him in for a kiss, which took him by surprise, but he quickly responded by wrapping you in his arms, the way he knew you loved so much. "Welcome to tour."

His Smile Will Keep You Safe - Ryan Seaman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now