Chapter Three

645 35 33

Warnings: harassment, mention of depression
Word Count:
5 834

You were torn out of your peaceful slumber when the bus skipped to a halt. The sudden absence of the motor vibration had woken you up, and sleepily you rubbed your eyes. Out of the small window by your bed, you saw that you had parked next to a house, and curiously you poked your head out of your bunk bed.

"Back under the living, sleepyhead," Dallon joked, throwing a backpack over his shoulder.

"Where are we," you asked, sitting up properly, and dangling your feet out of the bed.

"Phoenix. Now grab your night bag and let's check into the hotel."

And with these words he disappeared out of the bed department of the bus.

Quickly you threw your pyjama and your hygiene products into a small bag, which you had stuffed into your suitcase the day before, and followed the bassist.

Outside of the bus the air was blazing hot. The bus had parked at the side of a huge building, in what looked like a backstreet, or some sort of backyard. Just in time you spotted Lisa walking through a door, and hurried after the young woman.

Stepping through the inconspicuous door, you were once again hit with air conditioning. Even though outside the colour of the light suggested that the sun was close to setting, in here the corridors were ignited with bright lights.

Following the sound of the footsteps in front of you, you finally reached a small lobby. A couple of couches were standing by the windows, and a middle aged man was talking to Lucas, who seemed to be checking everyone in.

Slowly you walked over to Lisa, who was standing by a window, and looked out into the street. Cars were driving by, carrying dust into the air. The few people on the street were dressed in short trousers matched with t-shirts, and most women were wearing dresses.

Turning back around to the room, you noticed that Luis and Charlie were sitting huddled together on one of the sofas, holding a map. Probably they were deciding what to do until the show tomorrow. Dallon and Ryan were leaning against a door frame, Dallon still carrying his backpack, while Ryan had placed his between his feet. Lars was standing in a corner, mobile in hand, and punched the keys in an almost aggressive manner, while Bill had plucked in his headphones, and seemed not to notice anyone else.

Just when you were about to ask Lisa where Jay was, you saw him pacing up and down outside, pressing his own mobile to his ear. He looked distressed, occasionally reaching into his hair and tucking on the dread locks.

"Do you think he's calling his girlfriend," Lisa asked.

Her voice was quiet, and while she mostly sounded sad, you also heard the underlying jealousy.

"Does he have one," you retorted.

Honestly, you did not feel in the mood to get pulled into other people's problems with their love life, but then again, maybe you would need someone to talk about Lars earlier or later, and then you could ask her this favour.

"Don't know," she replied, keeping her eyes fixed on the spot where Jay had disappeared out of her view.

"It's probably just his mum, don't worry," you tried to comfort her, "or his grandma. You know how grandmas can be."

Lisa nodded and turned around to face the room again, and you copied her movements.

"So, did you take a nap," she asked, trying to do small talk.

"Yeah. Everything is pretty exciting," you explained, preferring not to mention that another reason for your quick tiring was the never entirely healed depression, which you still dragged around with you.

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