Intro (1)

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Nov/18th/2019 - 7:00am, Harlow, England.

Chaeyoung POV

*beep beep beep beep*

Ugh that annoying sound. I turned to my alarm clock with my eyes closed and slapped the shit out of it to make it stop with that annoying noise.

"So here we go again huh" I sat up on the bed, slid on my tiger slippers and headed towards the bathroom. Ahh red eyes and white crusted lips, you are so attractive Son Chaeyoung. I've brushed my teeth and taken a cold shower the last thing is some pants and breakfast. I put on my work suit, brush my blonde shoulder length hair and applied my contacts and light make-up then proceeded downstairs to greet my best friend.


"Morning smol bean, looking sharp today" Dahyun-unnie greeted me, and honestly I don't feel that sharp, hangovers are a hell of a thing.

"Morning unnie, what's for breakfast?" I really needed some food in me, every morning Dahyun-unnie cooks for me then i cook dinner, with the exception of last night.

"Pancakes, sunny side up style eggs and a wheatgrass shot for you my child take it first before you eat." She's such a sweetheart, she always took care of me,since highschool I would have to take care of Jeong-hoon, my little brother, so it was nice for someone to take care of me for a change. I went to a work related party last night and had a little too much wine.

"What's your plans Unnie? You going to the music hall today or running errands?"

"Errands, we gotta restock the pantry and some toiletry stuff, i'll take care of it so tell me what you need"

Every month we restock so we alternately run errands whenever we need. I'm a bit busy these days but dahyun is always busy and she makes time for these things so I have to follow in her footsteps to help out. After all we're both living together and having arguments about small things like that seem so unnecessary to me and can be easily avoided.

"Um i don't think i need anything other than my face mask, that's about it." I said that with one last bite of pancake in my mouth washing it down with some coffee.

"Alrighty, you better get going it's 7:30 already."

"Oh crap, thanks unnie, i'll see you later." She tossed me my keys I grabbed my satchel and my coffee to-go and headed out the door.


It's about a 15min drive with no traffic, unfortunately there is traffic so i may not be in work until 8:15. I guess a little music wouldn't hurt.

"Siri play my morning playlist please"

"Playing morning playlist"

Ah yes Got7, their comeback is soo good,


I really miss Korea from time to time, UK K-pop doesn't do it for me. I just wanted a fresh start to do whatever I wanted. Life is way too short to be stuck in one place, I wanna see the goddamn world, I wanna go to the arctic and visit the rest of Europe even the Caribbean, I just need to find somebody who is willing to go on that journey with me.

OK here we are, Son Art and Photo Gallery. Picture this, a four story rectangular, grey building, larger in width with a silver sign right in the middle of the wall decorated with double glass doors as the entrance and Full body sized windows on every floor highlighted with black framework along the building, doors and windows.

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