Anne with an E (season 1)

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"If you have big ideas, you have to use "big words" to express them."

"Girls can do anything a boy can do and more!"

"I like imganinig better than remembering."

"Other people make call it "The Avenue", but I always shall it "The White Way of Delight.""

"Home". What a wonderful word."

"Green Gables is real and we're home."

"Please... call me Cordelia."

"Could you please spell it wiht an "E" when you speak it? Anne with an "E" looks much more distinguished."

"It's so easy to love Gren Gables, isn't it?"

"- What's your problem? -
- You. You're my problem. -"

"I solemnly swear to be faithful to my very bosom friends, Diana Barry for as long as the sun and moon shall endure."

"- Don't talk to the boys. They're ridiculous. -
- Nice to see you, too, Diana. -"

"- I like to read, too. -
- No, you don't. -
- No, I don't. -"

"You all right, Miss?"

"- Do you need anything else? Any dragons around here need slaying? -
- No! Thank you! -"

"Besides, I don't care where she's from. A cute girl is a cute girl."

"I'm not supposed to talk to you!"

"- Carrots! -
- I'm not talking to you! -"

"Isn't it wonderful that everyday can be an adventure?"

"Maybe you could be a firefighter."

"Hello, ladies."

"It doesn't matter what the other girls think, Ruby. It matters what you think."

"I am not a Gilbert Blythe fan."

"I should have added the "E"."

"You're crying on the potatoes."

"But I would make a terrible wife!"

"And if you ever hassle Anne again, you'll regret it."

"If I come back to Avonlea I want it to be in my choice, not an obligation."

"- Anyway. -
- Anyway. -"

"- I've missed you. -
- Yeah? -
- At school. -"

"- You want to spell out a few words for old time's sake? -
- How about...truce? -
- T-R-U-C-E. -"

"- Need my help with anything? Anything I can do? -
- Just take care of yourself. Come home someday. -"

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 17, 2019 ⏰

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