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Nothing had changed, nothing at all. The little incident hasn't stopped Craig from doing his daily bullying.

You would think that after the "incident" Craig would be a bit considerate and would ease some things but no. I would lie if I said I dint think that, because I really thought he would be a bit nicer to me.

But he still shouts those ugly names at me with no regrets at the school hallway, the way his face looks when he knows I'm on the verge of tears is still monotone as always. It bothered me not knowing what he was thinking

A part of me wanted him to actually interact with me and start being social, for that could increase the chances of not having a bully. But my other part was glad that he dint talk to me anyways, if he did then it would just be plain awkward.

And if he thinks he can have another relationship with me that isn't bully to victim or antiquate to antiquate then he has a delusional imagination. He can buy me the whole land of Russia as an apology gift and still beat me up in Russia itself. That is just how he rolls and I don't think anyone can change that

Craig's POV:

I heard closely the sound of a kids hands punching the metallic locker.

My friends, who were by my side, were laughing like the greatest thing ever happened. I couldn't even tell if their laughs were real or not but it dint matter to me. They only laugh at peoples pain, and I would say it was sickening if it wasn't my type of humour.

But this, another one of my victims shut in the locker by me, was nothing new to me. Honestly, it was getting tire-some of watching the same stuff every single day. I just have the hope something else will happen.

I wonder if one day someone will finally stand up to me. If anybody has the guts to. I understand that people are afraid of me, and who wouldn't? I can basically be a killing machine. But to actually kill, isn't exactly my thing.

It would be interesting to see someone defend themselves. But again, if I were them I would much rather live. Yet I cant help wonder why people are such cowards. I want to meet someone brave and independent who can make it on their own. Who can still be the same after someone is gone, I want to finally meet someone like that. Someone who calls me at 3 am, not to complain about nightmares but just simply talk about things in their minds. Cause you would be surprised at the hilarious shit that goes around peoples mind at 3 in the morning.

Crap, im starting to sound like a girl, aren't I? In other words, someone like me, its a pretty lonley world sometimes.

"Lets go, we don't have anything here, not anymore" I said facing my back towards the locker.

I waked to the biology classroom, which to none of my surprise, was already packed. I was already late and it dint matter.

My high grades are the only thing that are making the teachers and principals keeping me here. If it wasn't for all of my A+ on my classes, I would have been long gone years ago. Not that I would have minded, a new challenge is always something I look forwards to.

I chuckled silently at myself just studying the scared expressions of my classmates. I was the main attention, like a zoo. The lion from the zoo that roars at its maximus volume leaving all the visitors petrified.

I sat in the back, with one of my common victims.

Her name was weird, just like her. She had something different, it always bothered me since I knew there was something off with her since the beginning. What is it? Who knows. Maybe its her name. I barely remember it tho

Paige, padma, patricia, pandora? Paramore?! I only know it starts with Pa, besides that, I don't remember anything.

When we bullied her she dint cry nor fight back. She just stood there, as if she was lost in her own thoughts. It angered me when she never responded, but no matter how many insults I give her she never responds.

The bully (Craig Tucker South Park fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu