t w e n t y e i g h t

154 16 0

January 21
Stanford High, New York, USA

"Hey, princess!"Tyler greeted me with a pride smile prior getting my hand and twirling me into his body, my hands resting on his toned body.

I snickered, ignoring the fact that he still calls me princess,"Hi, Tyler, you look like you're in a good mood!"

"I have mind blowing news,"He revealed excitedly as he handed me a formally enveloped paper.

"What's this?"I questioned out of curiosity as I tore out the opening of the envelope.

My eyes went on reading as fast as they could go, dying to know why Tyler kept beaming all of a sudden.

That's when I arrived at the very detailed and important part,"OMG! You passed Oxford University in UK?! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Crystal."

"You are made to be there. It's somewhat your destiny."

"Yup!"He chirped but his smile vanished and it was replaced by somewhat heartbreak,"But I.... I..."He reluctantly stopped.

"What is it?"I crossed my brows.

He scratched the back of his head as he replied,"It's hard to put it in words. The conversation I imagined in my head was better."


"I-I was given a text message from Oxford University saying that... I'll be leaving this week and I'll be returning next year,"He revealed as a tear flowed like a river down his handsome face.

"W-what?!"I gasped as I felt my heart sink once those words processed themselves in my mind,"But term doesn't start until September!"

I was horrorstruck. Tyler was there for me when no one else was. He's been my best friend. Even though I hadn't reached a final decision whether I'm choosing Daniel or him as my boyfriend.

The point is: he's been there on my side. I can't lose him now. I had a lot of questions running in my mind and I wished to ask them.

"Why now?!"I asked as rivers of tears went down my face,"Tyler, I'm happy for you but please tell me this is a joke."

Tyler brushed his knuckles against my pale face,"It's my future, Crystal. I have to go, you know that."

"But why?!"I questioned loud enough for some students in the halls to hear. Some students stared at my neediness for Tyler to stay and some were whispering.

"I topped the class here along with Winter and I had the highest and most unbelievable score among us who took an online test. They wanted me to immediately proceed to London for an interview and so we can have an orientation and discussion about it,"Tyler explained.

"It also breaks my heart to see myself leave NYC,"He whispered,"But yes, I have to attend college there,"He shook his head with regret written all over his face.

"Tyler..."I muttered his name as I replayed our conversation in my head,"I can't accept this...."

"Neither can I,"Tyler agreed with my as he brushed his hand on my quivering one. I was practically shaking,"We'll stay in touch, okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Wait...Tyler, you'll have your graduation here right?"I asked with hope in my eyes.

He turned to me,"Unfortunately,"He sighed in contempt,"The principal alread had a meeting with Oxford's headmaster and said that I already graduated at some point and my future begins now... My last day is today."

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