t h i r t y t h r e e

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February 4
Addison's residence, New York, USA

I laid on my bed groggily, feeling tired as ever. All I wanted was to close my eyes and fall into a long lasting rest and find a pack of ice for my head as my eyes finally split open while I stuff myself with cookie dough ice cream.

How could I though if Marshmallow's barks are giving me severe headaches?!

Arf! Arf! Arf!

"Marshmallow, I left you a pan of dog food in your dog house!"I groaned while pointing to the exit,"Please just leave me alone!"


All of a sudden, I felt a ginormous piece of cloud has jumped into my arms and straddled my face.

"I guess you could stay,"I said with a small smile playing on my lips. Marshmallow jumped happily wagged his cotton tail.

I rested my head on his body as his tail tickled my nose.

Sighing, I thought, contacting Tyler tonight was going to be the highlight of my day but within a second it became some stupid train wreck.

"You know, Marshy,"I said with a sigh while fumbling with his fur as Marshmallow stared at me with his tongue out,"You're lucky you have everything so simple..."

Arf! Arf! Arf!

My lips started to crumple everytime a bark comes out of my dog's mouth,"Can't you tell I'm emoting right now?"I asked in a whiny voice, sitting upright from my bed.


I pulled my right drawer and revealed my second secret stash of my favorite candies and chocolates everytime I feel like I'm blue.

My hand automatically reached for the Skittles and the next thing I knew, I was munching on the sweet little pieces of candy.

"Maybe I should get some rest..."I mumbled sleepily, the thought of having a little nap won't harm anything.

I turned on my air condition then nestled myself under my blanket while my nose nuzzled with my comforter.

Marshmallow rested beside me, finding a perfect spot to chill for a sec.

I felt my eyes getting heavier every second passed. Until my low of energy zapped up when Marshy barked once again which startled the fuck out of me.


"WHAT?!"I bellowed, sitting up straight while taming my hair.

I looked up and saw Daniel leaning against the doorway with a smirk plastered across his face and some Costco takeout from earlier.

"How long have you been standing there?"I questioned,"And how did you get inside?"

"Five set of arfs ago,"He answered,"I have the spare key you gave me,"Daniel said casually, revealing a golden key swaying in his fingers like a hypnotizing stopwatch.

I blinked then snapped my fingers,"Oh right, the spare key!"

"Anyways, why are you here?"I inquired while raising a brow as I stepped out of bed into comfortable bunny slippers.

Daniel shrugged,"Instincts told me you were not feeling too good which you announced but I could tell something else is bothering you."

"What is it exactly?"I asked in an I'll-be-impressed-if-you-figure-it-out tone,"Since your instincts are exceptional at this."


I sighed. Of course it is.

He must have noticed my shoulders slumped,"I could see I'm right..."Daniel took a seat next to my vanity desk in a wrong way,"So tell me everything: There must be a continuation to this."

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