t h i r t y s i x

147 17 1

February 11
Addison's residence, New York, USA

"See you tomorrow!"I waved at Daniel who was about to enter his home,"Don't forget about our homework, asshole!"

Daniel rolled his eyes at me, opening the front door,"I won't, gorgeous. Alright, love you..."

After these past few days, I've felt comfortable around Daniel. Not only that, but I wasn't afraid to tell him that I love him.

I smiled,"Love you too..."

Once he got inside his house, I entered mine. I was greeted by the warm and familiar laughter of my family and the scent of dinner flying through the air.

I tossed my bags on the couch then proceeded to my bedroom to change into clean and suitable clothing before coming over to the kitchen to eat dinner with my family.

As I washed my face with my acne cleanser, the boisterous laughing of my family became louder than before.

"Geez,"I muttered as I applied the soap,"What are they talking about down there?"I shook my head then washed my face with cold pouring water.

I changed into comfortable grey sweat pants and a baggy white shirt(also known as Daniel's shirt I used a year ago in one of our movie nights).

My hair was tied in a loose and messy bun. I threw my dirty and used clothes in the laundry bag then picked up my phone.

I went down stairs, ready to eat dinner.

My eyes narrowed once I caught sight of a tall man with brown chestnut hair, facing back, chatting with my mother.

Curious, I stride over to our kitchen then announced my arrival, making a grand entrance,"Hello!"I sang with a bundle of energy, kissing my dad and mom on the cheek and waving at Scarlet who were her signature smile perfectly.

The guy with chestnut brown hair looked behind to see me. My jaw dropped once I caught sight of the green eyes I knew for a long time.

I thought I was dreaming...

This couldn't be...

How wrong timing can this get?

His hair was messy which complemented his fair complexion. His perfect white smile made me almost faint.




This must be a joke, right?

"T-TYLER?!"I gasped in surprise. I had to blink a few times to double check whether if this is reality or the opposite.

My inner self told me to go to him and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a hug. But the deep part of me told me that after all that happened...I couldn't just...

Daniel and I's relationship is just beginning to unravel. Just when I thought the weight of the world was off my shoulders...

Tyler stared into my eyes then he spoke softly,"Crystal..."I sighed heavily as he motioned closer towards me.

The feeling is not the same anymore.

My father piped up to ruin the awkwardness,"Your friend here said that he went all the way from UK to New York just to see you, Crystal. Isn't that sweet of him?"

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