Episode 1: Grounded

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A quick A/N:
Before I start this ep I would like to let everyone know that if you guys see this * it means I'm switching to 1st person or 3rd person but if you see this ** this means it is someone's POV. I thought I'll let you all know in case it gets confusing but anyways hope you all enjoy my first ep.
** Jinx's POV**

In the galaxy known as the milky way, there are many planets. The one in the middle of all of this is the most important one: planet Earth. There has been many different places, different continents, states, cities, etc. But in this Earth there are three different worlds. Obviously you got the human world or as I like to call them "norms". There are the ones that think heaven and hell are real, and some that think it's not real. Also the fact that the norms don't have any powers and they die once their faces and body gets wrinkly or die from a disease. At least to what I understand. Now, the ones that say heaven and hell are false, well, they are so fucking wrong, and let me tell you why. Up in the sky- it's pretty clear that it's heaven; the goddamn goodie two shoes. Which is were the angels and the Greek Gods reside, but the one who is mainly in-charge of heaven: Zeus and God himself. now to be honest I really don't know why two gods are in charge of heaven but at the same time, I don't really care either. But yeah, that's the heaven world. Now there can't be heaven without hell, can there? which is where I was born. The one who is in charge is Hades the god of the underworld and you're probably wondering " where's Satan???, where's Satan???" relax he's here too, he's hades child.

*3rd person*

A guard from Hades castle runs towards the main royal room, where Hades usually sits and does his work, he opens the door really quick and says " Your majesty!!! The princess has escaped he castle!!!" Hades stood up in anger " WHAT ?!?!? You pathetic Ogers can't even do one simple job of catching a demonic teenager!!!" Hades facepalms himself then called his Hellhound "Alcaro !!" The three headed dog walked up to his master and sat down " Alcaro go find her immediately". Alcaro nodded their heads and ran out of the castle in full speed, it took almost an hour to find the princess but eventually Alcaro came back and returned her to the royal room. Hades fist slammed into the table eventually breaking it "YOUNG LADY WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU SNEAK OUT OF THE CASTLE!!! IT IS FAR MORE DANGEROUS FOR YOU TO LEAVE AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR MOTHER "

**Jinx POV**

Yup, the chick that snuck out and got her ass kicked by that dog is me. I'm the princess, also known as Hades 2nd child. And the one I mentioned, his son, is my damn big brother Satan, "But dad it's not fair that Satan gets to go out but not me" I see my dad crossing his hands "That is because your brother knows what do in a serious situation and as for you, young lady, go to your room. your grounded." " WHAT THE HELL I'M GROUNDED?!?!? FOR WHAT!?". After I said that, my dad then responded with "For you sneaking out, without my permission, And for you almost destroying half of the Ogre guards while sneaking out now go". As I was about to leave my dad instructed the guard to accompany me in case I ever sneak out again. I got inside my room and laid on my bed. As for some of you might be wondering: who my mother is, and what happened to her when my dad was referring to her. Well, my mother is Persephone- the goddess of spring. One of my eye colors is my father's -which is red and my other eye has my mother's eye color baby blue, but anyways my mother died 600 years ago, and I was only 559 years old at the time. She was out one day with my dad and while walking a bounty hunter from a far distance killed her with a special arrow, also known as black stone. It can kill all kinds of supernatural things. I never knew much about my mother, but all I know is that I am like her, whenever I get soft & gentle, I remind everyone of her. But when my mother died from black stone, my dad has been taking care of my brother and I. As I grew older he has been more of a jackass, and made sure to never let me get out of the castle. "Someday I will" I mutter .

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