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QN'S NOTE: this is full English hope you'll like it.

Mingyu to Wonwoo: Shit this note can't fit in..

Wonwoo pated Mingyu's shoulder: Yah! It's okay, we can still think another note to fit there..

Mingyu: Okay...

[Mingyu and Wonwoo keeps making a noise so Jihoon angrily butt in]

Jihoon, scream his ass out: Yah! you ugly two bitches! Keep quiet! I'm making a damn music you two idiots! Wanna get hit?!

Mingyu, looked at Jihoon before calling someone: Yah! Soonyoung hyung! Your wifey are getting angry! Hahaha!

Soonyoung, somewhere in the house: Mingyu? Mingyu help me! Let me in! I don't wanna die outside here! Pls! It's so cold!

Jeonghan, walked towards Jihoon: Are you gonna let him in?

Jihoon looks at the door who's behind is Soonyoung: tell him, once he make a noise again, I'll kill him.

[Jihoon then put his attention to Mingyu and Wonwoo]

Jihoon: what?

[Mingyu, quickly shake his head and continue to his business with wonu]

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