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Soonyoung, stands up and starts creating a poet: SAida~~~ myeongo sipwo~~~ (which means: Cinder~~~ I want some~~~)

SVT: 1.. 2.. 3.. I!

[Jihoon stands up and walks near Soonyoung with a cola on his hand]

Soonyoung: I I~~~ leohge kolaga wa swoyo~~~[Jihoon drink a cola while Soonyoung touches it] (which means: here~~~ is the cola~~~)

SVT: 1.. 2.. 3.. TA!

Soonyoung: TA deuleo ganeun mugi han jan mengue myeon~~[planning to take a gulp on Jihoon's cola but, Soon Jihoon avoids it] anjuneyo~~ (which means: when you take a gulp when you're thirsty~~~ he's not giving me any~~)

SVT:[Laughs] 1.. 2.. 3.. MA!

Soonyoung: MAido~~[starts walking away](which means: So Good~~)

Seungkwan: Alright![thumbs up]

Seungcheol, looking towards Jihoon: can I have a sip? [Extending his hands towards Jihoon]

Jihoon, happily walked towards Seungcheol and lend him his cola: Alright. It's my precious cola but since you asked, I'll give you some.

Jeonghan: OK!

[Seungcheol, starts drinking the cola]

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