Small Bump. [0.1]

198 23 19

"I ordered a decaf." spat the middle-aged woman in front of Marina.

Marina sighed, reading her little notebook, and it said 'with caffeine'.

"I'm sorry ma'am," said Marina, taking the mug with her, walking in the kitchen. "I quit!"

"What are you talking about sweetie?" asked Mrs. Robertson, her boss, as she saw Marina walking in exasperated.

"This is it!" she put the mug on the counter. "I quit, I'm so sorry Mrs. Robertson but I'm done with this."

Mrs. Robertson knew this day would come sooner or later.

"A decaf, table 3!" yelled one of the guys that works there.

"Good luck sweetie, thanks for your time," she pulled her in for a hug.

She walked out the little coffee shop, she knew she couldn't blame Mrs. Robertson for the customers she had, but still she felt a little sad, because that had been her occupation since she arrived Sydney with her sister, America.

But still she felt free, something she hadn't experienced in a long time, but the feeling didn't last that much, she remembered, that she still had bills to pay, her parents payed their apartment and America's college education but the rest was up on them.

She stopped walking, she couldn't return home without a job, she looked around trying to find an answer and she finds it.

A sign that read "HELP WANTED"

She looked up to see the name of the record shop "Anestesia", she thought of America and knew she would go crazy if she knew that she was applying for a job in a record shop.

She sighed walking in, the first thing she saw was a guy carrying a stack of CD's so tall his face wasn't into view. She looked around trying to find the manager or even the owner.

But without a notice the guy with the CDs bumped into her.

"I'm sorry," the guy muttered.

She looked up to see a guy, with dark green eyes and dark blonde hair.

"It's okay," she replied with a smile.

"No, I didn't see you there sor..."

"Don't worry about it," she cut him off.

She started picking up the CDs that had fallen on the floor and he mimicked her actions.

After they finished he spoke. "So, in what can I help you?"

"Huh?" she asked.

"Yes, if you came inside my store is because of something," he smiled at her.

"Your store?, are you the owner?" she asked confused.

"Yes I am, you just caught me with a bad idea in my hands," he laughed.

"Well, I came because I saw the 'Help Wanted' sign,"


"Yeah," she replied.

"Do you like music?" he inquired.

-Is he really going to interview me right now?- she thought.

"Of course I do," she admitted, "my sister even wri..."

"The job is yours," he interrupted her.

"Are you kidding me?!" she asked.

"I'm not," she shut him up by hugging him excited.

"Thank you!!"

"Okay, but you have to be here at 8:00 AM tomorrow, I want to see those blue eyes again."

Anestesia ▶ IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now